What film did you watch last night?

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Formerly known as Speedfreak
Boiling Point on Netfix, one of the better films I've binged while isolating. Didn't think it would be for me but very well acted and incredibly tense throughout. Would recommend which is a rarity for the stuff I've watched recently.
Green Book :notworthy::notworthy:

A true story
I've seen a proportion of it before, but it was on BBC4 last night
It won Best Film at the 2018 Academy Awards, & Golden Globes

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkZxoko_HC0


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b33PN2NB2Do
Molly's Game

Jessica Chastain shines as high stakes poker game hostess. Alan( The West Wing) Sorkin script ensures that everyone is super smart and never short of words. Lots of words.
If you watch it, you cant miss a second of dialogue.
Has that quiet creepy well financed atmosphere of Margin Call.
Never heard of the film befire. Had no idea what it was. Five stars.
Molly's Game

Jessica Chastain shines as high stakes poker game hostess. Alan( The West Wing) Sorkin script ensures that everyone is super smart and never short of words. Lots of words.
If you watch it, you cant miss a second of dialogue.
Has that quiet creepy well financed atmosphere of Margin Call.
Never heard of the film befire. Had no idea what it was. Five stars.
I saw this had excellent reviews. Will try to watch it sometime, I love Sorkin's scripts. But I have to say, it sounds a terrible idea for a film!


North Yorkshire
If Beale Street Could Talk.
Based on a James Baldwin novel. Sensitive and beautifully realised exploration of racism, love and injustice. Great acting, superb score and directed by Barry Jenkins of Moonlight fame. I thought it was superb.
Its on BBC iplayer if you fancy it.


Drive My Car. There's a week & a half of my life I'm never getting back. I kept thinking it must improve soon...but it didn't. Korean people, it seems, never smile, let alone laugh, they just look angsty and glum from dawn to dusk - and then at night-time for good measure. Oscar nominated, but didn't win. Presumably because there's no Staggeringly Boring Pretentious Nonsense category. Nul points.


North Shields
Drive My Car. There's a week & a half of my life I'm never getting back. I kept thinking it must improve soon...but it didn't. Korean people, it seems, never smile, let alone laugh, they just look angsty and glum from dawn to dusk - and then at night-time for good measure. Oscar nominated, but didn't win. Presumably because there's no Staggeringly Boring Pretentious Nonsense category. Nul points.

It's a Japanese film, not Korean.


I am Vengeance: Retaliation

An ex special forces guy is given the chance to wipe the slate clean by doing one last job, to go after the rogue agent (Vinnie Jones) who once killed his team members.

Plenty of fisticuffs, automatic weapons with magazines of infinite capacity, although for dramatic effect the good guys do sometimes find that their pistols are empty, macho dialogue and posturing that borders on making this a parody, and bucket loads of testosterone.

Treat it as a comedy and you can't go wrong if you just want a quick bit of mindless entertainment, it needs the @Drago verdict on the weapons drills though to complete the review.

I had eighty minutes to spare last night and started to watch this, after a couple of minutes I knew that I'd seen it before but carried on as I had nothing better to do.

It's even more comical than I remember, and this time it only gets 4/10. 😂


Itching to get back on my bike's
Latest James Bond - No time to die.

It was ok but i need to watch it again as i couldn't hear or see all of it as we watched it on our small tv in the bedroom


Legendary Member
We went to see "Phantom of the Open" an entertaining fun film about Maurice Flitcroft, a crane operator from Barrow, who takes it into his head to enter the British Open golf tournament despite not being able to play golf. Naturally he is hopeless but becomes a minor celebrity as "the world's worst golfer". By disguise and subterfuge he manages to enter several more times but being rumbled and slung out. I was aware of this story as I'd seen his obituary a few years ago. A good fun film

And a day or two later we watched Argo. This is an account of the hostages in the American embassy in Iran, and in particular 5 who managed to slip out and the efforts to sneak them out of the country masquerading as Canadian film makers. Superbly done, with very realistic acting by all concerned - no "Team America f yeah!" or any of that nonsense and only slighly marred by a bit at the end with a silly scene where the Iranians are chasing their airliner with an army truck as it takes off. Particularly good is that the preamble states the Shah was an awful tyrant installed by US and British machinations so the anger against the US sheltering the deposed Shah from justice is understandable and the Iranians are not portrayed as fools nor monsters. The junior diplomats and CIA guys are basically ordinary civil servants doing their jobs rather than macho superspies. An excellent film
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Itching to get back on my bike's
Daniel Craig and others in Knives Out , a very strange film indeed.
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