What film did you watch last night?

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Millenium - 1989 - Kris Kristofferson

If you like sci-fi time travel its a good watch.

It is a good story but could be better told. It's one of those films I'd like to see remade. I like the little detail where the air in the future is so polluted that the time travellers have to chain smoke when they're in 1989. I'm sure it wouldn't stand up to medical scrutiny but i like it none-the-less

In a similar vein (ie. far too 80s for its own good) I watched Flight of the Navigator last night after fondly remembering it with a workmate a couple of days ago. I seem to remember a lot more happening than actually happens; such as a trip across the universe... but i must've imagined that. Again, good story but could be better.


Legendary Member
Operation Mincemeat at the cinema on an O2/Virgin freebie.
Highly watchable, well acted, with some amusing bits.
7.5/10 I'd say


Legendary Member
Operation Mincemeat at the cinema on an O2/Virgin freebie.
Highly watchable, well acted, with some amusing bits.
7.5/10 I'd say

We saw that last night at the pictures - agree with your score which feels about right. It looked great, albeit 1943 London was likely a lot more austere than the nightclubbing they seemed to do a lot. The three leads were excellent and the story remains a fascinating one. As a bonus Simon Russel Beale was excellent as a grumpy Churchill. Not sure the "brief encounter" love story really worked as it seemed a bit of a distraction, and one or two of the Spanish scenes descended into parody a bit too much. It also rather bizarrely suggested an anti-Hitler faction in Germany scheming to help the Sicily landings succeed to undermine Hitler which seemed a stretch to credibility and the seeming German spy threatening the Kelly McDonald character made little sense. But that said on balance pretty good and I found myself reading up on the story afterwards. A particularly good point was they very much brought out the exceedingly high stakes involving thousands of lives not just a "boys own adventure". They also covered that the scheme was part of a wider deception plan.

From memory the older version "The spy who never was" was rather good too


Legendary Member
We saw that last night at the pictures - agree with your score which feels about right. It looked great, albeit 1943 London was likely a lot more austere than the nightclubbing they seemed to do a lot. The three leads were excellent and the story remains a fascinating one. As a bonus Simon Russel Beale was excellent as a grumpy Churchill. Not sure the "brief encounter" love story really worked as it seemed a bit of a distraction, and one or two of the Spanish scenes descended into parody a bit too much. It also rather bizarrely suggested an anti-Hitler faction in Germany scheming to help the Sicily landings succeed to undermine Hitler which seemed a stretch to credibility and the seeming German spy threatening the Kelly McDonald character made little sense. But that said on balance pretty good and I found myself reading up on the story afterwards.

From memory the older version "The spy who never was" was rather good too

You might want to put some of that behind spoiler tags :laugh:


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Moviedome have been putting free-to-watch films on Youtube. One of those is Blessed, which I saw a few years ago and liked. Despite the slow-moving story it's a bit different and worth watching:



Legendary Member
Lol well I certainly hadn’t as I wasn’t born (nowhere near)

Just to be clear I didn't see the film in the 50s !

But that said, the events portrayed are only just beyond living memory. There was a glorious moment when Dennis Healey had asked a probing question during a debate on the Falklands war and someone on the govt. side snidely commented "and what does the honourable gentleman know of amphibious landings?". Healey, dryly replied "well I was Beach Master at Anzio"
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It is a good story but could be better told. It's one of those films I'd like to see remade. I like the little detail where the air in the future is so polluted that the time travellers have to chain smoke when they're in 1989. I'm sure it wouldn't stand up to medical scrutiny but i like it none-the-less

In a similar vein (ie. far too 80s for its own good) I watched Flight of the Navigator last night after fondly remembering it with a workmate a couple of days ago. I seem to remember a lot more happening than actually happens; such as a trip across the universe... but i must've imagined that. Again, good story but could be better.

Oh definately could be a great remake, with Millinenium you need to make a few leaps of logic to understand it but it's a good story and KK is great in it. They barely explain why they are taking people from the past, or why it's mostly women that travel back but I don't think it harms the film too much.

Flight of the Navigator I've not watched in a long time, I'll have to put in on the (long) to watch list.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
watched about half of the latest james bond on prime , usual bond stuff aka blowing up things , car chases, shooting a lot of baddies and scantily clad women etc
watchable but forgettable
Noises Off

It feels like a much older film from early 80s but its from 1992, also the only none Superman film I've seen Christopher Reeve in and he's very good.

Nice comedy farce if you're into that.
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