What film did you watch last night?

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Darkman starring Liam Neeson. What a truly terrible film. Absolutely dreadful. I've only seen bits and pieces before. I wish I hadn't watched it. 4/10


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Watched Killing Them Softly last night, it was o.k, bit of a crap ending though. I was more surprised at how much weight Vincent Curatola - the actor who played Johnny Sack in the Sopranos - had put on.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I quite like him, especially in taken and taken 2, but darkamn was truly dreadful. I liked him in the grey as well, and there was a film with patrick swayze where he played a hillybilly, whose brother was killed. Can't rememver what it was called, but it was good as well. But I agree, some actors just can't pull the hard man look off.


Lunatic Asylum Escapee
I quite like him, especially in taken and taken 2, but darkamn was truly dreadful. I liked him in the grey as well, and there was a film with patrick swayze where he played a hillybilly, whose brother was killed. Can't rememver what it was called, but it was good as well. But I agree, some actors just can't pull the hard man look off.
Next Of Kin ?


Legendary Member
40 Minutes of Cloud Atlas and then gave up. What a load of crap!! 6 stories and none of them made any sense 40 minutes in. Worst film I've seen........quite possibly!
The symbolism in Gravity was a bit heavy:

"Why, that floating cable looks like an umbilical cord, then she's in water, crawling to the shore, it's almost like being born.."

We get it! Sheesh, we're not Americans!
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