What film did you watch last night?

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North Shields
Me Before You - 4/10

I've seen worse schmaltzy films and even though it's entirely predictable this isn't bad, it's just not very good. I spent most of it wondering if Emilia Clarke's eyebrows were ever going to stop moving or if they had taken on a life of their own.

It doesn't help that the supporting cast (which is made up of some very good actors) are barely elevated beyond wallpaper status, which is partly the point but a little bit more from them might have given this a more depth than a puddle.


North Shields
It Ends With Us - 4/10

The premise for this (domestic violence) and the way it's dealt with is actually quite sensitively done, but it's really badly written to the point where it's distracting.

It's also hard to escape the glaring cliches and obvious errors, but I'm very much not the target market for this film, which although it's discussing very adult topics does so on an almost teenage level.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Just came out of the cinema after seeing Borderlands.
I wasn't expecting a great movie after all the luke warm reviews, but it was a jolly old caper popcorn movie. Not much of a storyline or plot but it rocked and rolled along at a good pace with a good amount fun, explosions and comedy violence. The Eli Roth touch probrably saved it from mediocrity.
Both myself and Jnr really enjoyed it. A solid 4/5 from both of us.


North Shields
Trap - 2/10

I've given Shyamalan the benefit of the doubt for far too long but this is the last time. It's been a while since I've been so utterly bored by a film, which had a pretty good premise but failed to deliver on it consistently.



Notebook 7/10.

Golden oldie ...

Nice portrait of an elderly couples walk into dementia countered with thier youthful courtship and heartache. Being read back to her.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
A History Of Violence.
I haven't seen it since it's original release in 2005. My partner saw in on Netflix and wanted to watch to as she's not seen it.
I had forgotten how good a movie it is. Vigo Mortenssen is brilliant as the 'hiding' ex hit man discovered by past life mobsters after a robbery at his Diner.
Still packs a brutal punch.


North Shields
Bird Box - 6.5/10

Decent enough peril/supernatural horror effort starring Sandra Bullock, who I've always quite liked. The ending is absolutely stupid, and spoils another wise enjoyable if not particularly original film.

Watched this again last night. Opinion hasn't changed but I discovered there's a spin off sequel so I'll give that a go this afternoon.


The Dogs of War (1981)

A young Christopher Walken gives his usual quality performance alongside Tom Berringer as a pair of mercenaries attempting to over throw an African dictator.

A adaptation of a Frederick Forsyth novel and well worth a watch.



Re watched The Killer last night...big fan of David Fincher and his films,even bigger fan of Fassbender who takes the part of the contract killer.
Enjoyed it more the second time round,love the way the whole thought process of Fassbenders character is narrated in the film,good soundtrack too.
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