What film did you watch last night?

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Asassins Creed. Another game-derived nonsense in which our protagonist is executed, revived, goes to work for secretive private institution with massive, high profile prestige building. He must find the mcguffin before his nemisis locates it , in which case Very Bad Things Will Happen.
A one Dairily Cheese Triangle rating for cheesyness.


North Shields
Barbarian - 9/10

A modern take on old school horror themes which is genuinely effective and doesn't rely on silly scares to keep the viewer gripped. Some of the cinematography is truly beautiful as well, particularly in the third act where the origins of the horror are being revealed.

Great soundtrack too, which is always a bonus.


North Shields
In a Violent Nature - 3/10

Despite some inventive kills, this really isn't very good. Most of the time you're watching a shan Michael Myers traipsing around a forest killing "teenagers" for no particular reason. It would have been a cool short I reckon, but the 90 minute run time is 75 too many.

Also whatever it was filmed on has done something seriously weird to the lighting and aspect ratio. I thought it was my TV forcing some weird settings onto it, but nope, that's just how it looks.


Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey
A few months after everyone else, I finally sat down this evening to watch "Leave the World Behind".

Reminds me in some ways of the much poorer apocalypse film "How it Ends" (except that was s**t).

LTWB is described by Netflix as a 'Drama'. Maybe more of a thriller/horror with subtle touches of comedy; at times I wasn't sure what I was watching, but I know I was hooked.
I loved it from the moment of Julia Robert's first expletive, to an ending that made me chuckle.
A great story, carefully crafted into a movie with a tiny cast and limited locations to give a compelling claustrophobic atmosphere, which was enhanced by eerie elements of a great soundtrack, and strikingly unusual cinematography. Gorgeous.

Not a perfect film, but at least 7/10, and the best I've seen in a long time. Quite surprised to see some negative reviews.


North Shields
Deadpool 3 - 9/10

If you've seen the first two you kind of know what you're getting but this is next level. There is nothing, absolutely nothing out there which takes such a massive swipe at superhero/Hollywood movies with such an anarchic sense of glee.

The only thing which comes close is Barbie, but they only really had one target. This was just, well, everything really.


North Shields
Quadrophenia - 7/10

I'd never seen this before, despite really liking films from this era and a lot of the cast, but I'd always been put off by The Who association.

Daft really, because it's a really great film featuring a stellar performance by Phil Daniels as a young man slowly unravelling amidst the mod/rocker culture of the times. Loved the way it was shot, especially the party/crowd scenes which was most of it.

The last ten minutes or so kind of killed it for me when it was basically just The Who singing along with what was happening on screen.

Definite bonus points for not allowing Sting to say a word!


Quadrophenia - 7/10

I'd never seen this before, despite really liking films from this era and a lot of the cast, but I'd always been put off by The Who association.

Daft really, because it's a really great film featuring a stellar performance by Phil Daniels as a young man slowly unravelling amidst the mod/rocker culture of the times. Loved the way it was shot, especially the party/crowd scenes which was most of it.

The last ten minutes or so kind of killed it for me when it was basically just The Who singing along with what was happening on screen.

Definite bonus points for not allowing Sting to say a word!

Did he really not say a word?

Ive somehow got a memory of him at the court appearance when the magistrate hands him a fine and he says something like, 'would a cheque be alright?' with a big grin, and all the other mods start laughing and cheering


North Shields
Did he really not say a word?

Ive somehow got a memory of him at the court appearance when the magistrate hands him a fine and he says something like, 'would a cheque be alright?' with a big grin, and all the other mods start laughing and cheering

Ah, yeah, he does!

"I'll pay now if that's alright? Does your honour have a pen?"

Mercifully brief.


Kilometre nibbler
For the very first time I have just watched Jaws.

I assumed that I'd seen it before, but my memory of it was actually constructed from a mishmash of other disaster movies and Jaws memes.

Not impressed

Chief Broom

Touching the void, docu/story about two climbers in Peru, One of them breaks his leg horribly and is being lowered off the mountain by his partner. Unfortunately he's lowered so he's hanging in space so his partner has to cut the rope or he'll be pulled of the mountain. He plunges into a crevasse and is left for dead, but survived! Then follows an agonizingly painful tale of the will to survive which he does. Epic story but excruciating to watch.
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