On BBC we just watched "The man who never was", which was recently remade as "mincemeat". I enjoyed the recent remake which we saw in the pictures, but the 1955 original is very very good indeed. I'd seen it as a kid, but as the cinema sophisticate like wot I now am, I appreciate it far more as an exceptionally well crafted film. The cinematography is really outstanding, and the pace, storytelling, and acting is all first rate too. As I say, I enjoyed "mincemeat" but the original is much much better. The highlight for me is the scene with the lab boffin. The way he handles the test tubes, and opens the stopper on a reagent bottle with the little finger of the hand holding the test-tube is exactly what you are taught in a chem lab. Either a real chemist has advised or the actor himself has done at least A level ("higher" as it would have been back then). I almost gasped out loud at the attention to detail.
Anyhow, and enthralling and exceptionally good bit of filmaking and storytelling