What film did you watch last night?

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I watched Constantine, another Keanu film last week and quite enjoyed it, 7/10.
Not seen any of the John Wick's I must admit ... but sounds like worth a punt?

Oh god yes. Provided you are
- a canoe reeves fan. But not
- part of the secret assassination-based economy.


Legendary Member
We watched "In the loop", the Armando Iannucci feature length version of "In the thick of it". Perhaps marginally slightly less sweary than the original, but Malcolm Tucker still dishes it out and is his brilliant self of course. Works well and not seeming stretched to a full film duration. The plot is a disturbing satire on how matter of peace and war can be settled by dodgy means by scheming incompetents. Quite dark really and I assume it's a reference to the Gulf War machinations. Extremely good film


North Shields
Red Snow - 5/10

B movie vampire affair set at Christmas, which was the brief for last nights' viewing. Campy and fun in places, and a fairly original take on the genre, but frustratingly blood and sexless. Neither one thing nor another really. Seen better, seen worse.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I watched a really scary movie last night about a female stalker...

The woman was in a happy relationship, but then became dangerously obsessed with a male media celebrity. She abused her position at work to find out his personal details. It turned out that he lived a long way from her so she couldn't do the initial close-up stalking herself. Instead, she found somebody in his city to spy on him and send back intimate photos to her. Her obsession grew to the point where she felt that she had to go to him. She sneaked round to his place unannounced but was spotted by the victim as she ogled him with his family. He was very disturbed by this but she chickened out and fled before he had time to send for the police. She later made contact with his family and somehow persuaded them to trick him into meeting up with her. The film ended with him being cornered by her. She smiled at him - a creepy 'you really don't what is going to happen next, do you?' kind of smile and, he walked off with her, not realising the danger that he was in...

A really terrifying film! :eek:
I over indulged last night with 3 😁

The Driver
Directed by the supurb Walter Hill it's an old school noir thriller story of a cop trying to catch a never been caught getaway driver. Apart from the great tense story it also has some of the greatest car chases put to film. A real gem.

The Running Man
Its not Arnie's greatest but its a good throwaway brain action film, it's a nice parody of television and our attitude towards shock TV (bit ahead of its time IMO). Some familiar faces pop up in it and at the very least it spawns several catch phrases from Arnie.

The Dark Knight
I've seen it several times over but it's a modern classic and one of the best Batman films there is. Heath Ledgers Joker often overshadows other parts of the film but there is so much going on as well it's definately a film that gets better the more you watch it.


Legendary Member
We went to see the Black Panther sequel a couple of days back, having enjoyed the first one. Sadly we didn't last beyond half way. Like a lot of modern films it was overlong, and more to the point individual scenes were stretched out. I got fidgety during a particularly poor CGI car chase, which had little in the way of advancing the plot and I found utterly disengaging. My Mrs asked what I thought, and I returned a "so so" gesture so we remained but a little later we were about to be faced with a huge exposition dump, and my Mrs, thankfully, asked if I wanted to stay, and we binned it off. If it had been on telly I guess I'd have left it on whilst reading a book or whatever but it was just dull and poorly done overall. Plus points - it looked great, the cast were all pretty good, script less so, but the storytelling was ponderous and laboured, and just having a load of CGI doesn't make a pointless car chase worth watching. We weren't expecting Citizen Kane or Seven Samurai, just a couple of hours of low-brow fun on a wet Sunday afternoon, so it was very disappointing.
We went to see the Black Panther sequel a couple of days back
I can't be doing with these generic CGI films anymore ... a reviewer of 'Black Adam' summed it up nicely ....
There’s something morally deadening and aesthetically depressing about the bottomless toy chest of C.G.I. being reduced to the toolbox of cinematic bureaucracy.
I'll take a cardboard model Death Star blown up by a small firework any day. :santa:
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