What film did you watch last night?

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Slippery scientist
Thor L&T last night. I can see what people mean about the self-deprecating - it does rather overshadow the plot and i was waiting and waiting for them to get over it and do some serious plot. It comes eventually but the ‘banter’ doesn’t go away. I had thought this might close the Thor chapter but apparently not, if you watch the after-credit scenes.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Pinocchio - the new version. It was OK.
it's one of those films where everything comes together; casting, script, locations, extras and of course that playfully haunting soundtrack :notworthy:

Funnily enough I watched it back to back with Don't Look Now.
In 1973 Wicker Man was the weird folk 'B' movie shown before that main feature. Hope they had a couple of popcorn breaks :laugh:
They are using the US version in which Guy Gibson's dog was dubbed "Trigger" so as not to offend. The deaths of 600 German civillians and 1000 Soviet forced labourers was omitted so I wasnt triggered.
They are still editing out secret features of the bomb such as the reverse rotation, and the shape of the device was altered.
They must have had only three flight worthy Lancasters at the time of filming, that is all you ever see.
The inspiration for Star Wars almost scene for scene.
Still , made me proud to be British.


North Shields
31 - 8/10

Trashy, gory, exploitation flick from the modern master of the genre, Rob Zombie. Doesn't disappoint if you go in knowing what to expect - Sheri Moon, "yokels", questionable morals, outrageous deaths and an unlikely ending.

Afterwards I read several po faced reviews about how cheap and nasty it felt, which seriously missed the point: that's exactly how it's supposed to be, the viewer is supposed to feel grubby afterwards...


Legendary Member
"A Time to Kill" - 5/10 (it would be 4 but Sandra is in it :wub:)

Rather than writing my own waffle, I can simply quote from IMDB, it mirrors my thoughts exactly

"But the racism issue is a smokescreen, and the whole thing is contrived. Carl Lee Hailey was a vigilante. Yes, there were mitigating circumstances for what he did, but the fact remains that he wasn't innocent. This would have been true no matter what his skin colour, or the skin colour of the assailants of his daughter, the judge, the jury, or anyone else.

And what's so heavy-handed about this film is that it paints anyone who believes Carl Lee should have been convicted is a racist. The message seems to be that if you believe that the law shouldn't be taken into people's own hands, then you might as well be burning crosses on a lawn somewhere wearing a hood.

This isn't the first time a heavy dose of sentimentalism is inserted into a story like this, and it won't be the last. As a movie, A Time To Kill stays pretty faithful to the book, and the acting isn't half bad. But it played the hand it had been dealt, really. Even a good cast can't elevate bad source material."
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