What film did you watch last night?

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Frankenteins army. The clue is in the name. Absolute pooo. 0/0


Subversive Sage
High Shields
Island in the Sky 1953 on TCM... one of those surprisingly captivating John Wayne films
Canadian arctic aircraft survival story with superb camerawork, nice pace and plot.... Wayne is convincing as agonised father-figure in charge of group of desperate stranded Dakota crew

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Grey, Liam Neeson, last night on C4.
Really quite good, found the drowning scene toward the end quite harrowing.
Neeson never fails, never seen a bad film with him in it.

I Like liam Neeson and the grey was good


Grey, Liam Neeson, last night on C4.
Really quite good, found the drowning scene toward the end quite harrowing.
Neeson never fails, never seen a bad film with him in it.
My favorite bit was in the night where they are sitting around the fire and the wolves show up.Omega wolf versus the grumpy-non-compliant guy.Although beheading the wolf wasxx(


North Shields
I liked that:gun:
Or maybe it was because i watched it 3-4 years back:smile:

Fair enough :thumbsup:

I made it through half of one of the films before wanting to execute most of the cast. Not a patch on the series from the early 90s IMO.

Of the DVDs I bought last week, only Watchmen has been um, watched. Cracking film, though you do see an awful lot of large blue penis which I'd forgotten about.

I've not seen all of Zack Snyder's films, but what I've seen I've really enjoyed (Watchmen, Sucker Punch, 300 & Dawn of the Dead). Not sure on his upcoming Superman/Batman mash-up. I've never enjoyed Superman as a character, and Christopher Nolan's latest efforts will be tough to beat.


Fair enough :thumbsup:

I made it through half of one of the films before wanting to execute most of the cast. Not a patch on the series from the early 90s IMO.

Of the DVDs I bought last week, only Watchmen has been um, watched. Cracking film, though you do see an awful lot of large blue penis which I'd forgotten about.

I've not seen all of Zack Snyder's films, but what I've seen I've really enjoyed (Watchmen, Sucker Punch, 300 & Dawn of the Dead). Not sure on his upcoming Superman/Batman mash-up. I've never enjoyed Superman as a character, and Christopher Nolan's latest efforts will be tough to beat.
I'm not sure about Ben Affleck playing batman,let alone batman and superman in the same movie(non comic).


North Shields
I'm not sure about Ben Affleck playing batman,let alone batman and superman in the same movie(non comic).

It has the potential to be an absolute disaster IMO. At least it will look stylish, but I'm not sure that will be enough - visuals only just saved Sucker Punch for me.


North Shields
Colombiana - rubbish really with lots to criticise about it, but very unusual to have a female comic-strip-style ruthless killer as a central character.

Have you watched Kill Bill Volume 1 and 2?

Without trying too hard I can think of a fair whack of films with kick ass ladies, or at least who are integral to the story. I do agree that women can be poorly represented in big budget films designed to excite teenage boys, but there's plenty out there with strong female characters.

Girl With a Dragon Tattoo (Swedish version)
Tomb Raider
Tank Girl
Kick Ass
Planet Terror
Million Dollar Baby
Terminator 2
V for Vendetta
G.I. Jane
True Romance
Basic Instinct
Bonnie & Clyde
Toy Story
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Pan's Labyrinth
Jackie Brown
Hunger Games
The Matrix
Pulp Fiction
Ginger Snaps
Silence of the Lambs
Let the Right One In (Swedish version)
Star Wars (original trilogy)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Little Miss Sunshine

That should keep you going, and mean you can avoid nonsense like Colombiana! Honourable mentions to X Files and West Wing too, but those are TV shows so can't make the list.
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Frozen, the latest Disney cartoon.Well the wife and youngest daughter bought the dvd,and had a girly night in.My score 3/10 ,i liked the last dvd,Despicable me,brill.
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