What film did you watch last night?

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Having seen Watchman in the cinema I thought it a thought provoking masterpiece... but overheard another viewer saying that was a couple of hours he'd not get back. It's a serious film with superheroes in it not a superhero film if that makes sense. basically it asks "what if there really were superheroes?"

Fifth Element - one of my favourite films. style over substance - perhaps, but wow , stylish it is.

I liked the 2 of the Mariachi I'e.seen so you've done well.

Mariachi seems to be a well thought of film , how would you compare it to say a tarrantino film?


North Carolina
I watched 47 Ronin last night. I knew it had terrible reviews and I don't like Karate movies but I decided to take a quick look at it. I started watching it with the idea that I probably wouldn't watch very much of it but I was pleasantly surprised that I did like it. I saw it as kind of a blend of Bruce Lee meets Harry Potter, with some swords, cool scenery and costumes. There were some slow sections but I watched it all the way through.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I watched 2 chick flicks last night. One had Jane Fonda in it. Light hearted and quite enjoyable, but I won't bore you lot by saying any more, because I know how much you would all like them.


Legendary Member
Sarah's Key. A very very upsetting film about a Jewish child in Paris in 1942. Still feeling upset by it this morning.

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
I watched 2 chick flicks last night. One had Jane Fonda in it. Light hearted and quite enjoyable, but I won't bore you lot by saying any more, because I know how much you would all like them.
Barbarella? :hyper:


the divide , what a complete load of rubbish . the only point to the film i can see being made was to give people the chance to write on forums to say how bad the film was. pointless rubbish and this from a fan of b movies
Breaking Bad

Well its a box set on NETFLIX, the best 60 hour film I have ever seen.
Approaching the end of season three, we are both hooked. Great stuff!!
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