What film did you watch last night?

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Active Member
Blues Brothers ... again! great movie!


What’s the point
Worlds End

and tried to play the drinking game associated with it. bad hangover this morning

I recognised all of the 5 out of my mates from when I was leaving school. I am not Gary King tho.


North Shields
There were better than usual offerings at the work DVD sale today. Got the re-cut and extended edition of Sin City, Mariachi Trilogy box set, Fifth Element special edition and Watchmen all for the princely sum of £4. They'll be watched this week, Watchmen first I reckon.


North Shields
four cracking films there :thumbsup:

6! Well, 5 and the decidedly average Once Upon a Time in Mexico.


Lone Survivor.Touching,sort of unrealistic,but i wouldn't know about that because i wasn't there.7/10

The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty up next:wacko:


Walter Mitty-if i were to divided the movie into two halves,one before he starts travelling and the other after,Part 1-3/10 and Part 2-8/10.Initially the movie made me go"why am i watching this?" but it became bearable after he went to Greenland.
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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Last night I watched the Manchurian Candidate starring Denzil Washington. Great film.. I enjoyed it very much. 7/10.


Legendary Member
There were better than usual offerings at the work DVD sale today. Got the re-cut and extended edition of Sin City, Mariachi Trilogy box set, Fifth Element special edition and Watchmen all for the princely sum of £4. They'll be watched this week, Watchmen first I reckon.

Having seen Watchman in the cinema I thought it a thought provoking masterpiece... but overheard another viewer saying that was a couple of hours he'd not get back. It's a serious film with superheroes in it not a superhero film if that makes sense. basically it asks "what if there really were superheroes?"

Fifth Element - one of my favourite films. style over substance - perhaps, but wow , stylish it is.

I liked the 2 of the Mariachi I'e.seen so you've done well.
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