What film did you watch last night?

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Legendary Member
Sex, Lies & Videotape. Remember when it came out, tho' on a rewatch I found I could recall precious little about it. Stands up pretty well, I think...there's an aura of sleazy edge throughout that keeps you a bit...uneasy somehow, but definitely engaged. Not particularly enjoyable, as such, but a finely executed piece of work. 7/10.


The Magnificent Seven.Denzel Washington.I liked it.


Evidence based cyclist
No Escape...Netflix.
:ohmy: Awesome. My heart was in my mouth for them.
Very very violent in places. One of the best films I've seen.
Ironically, seeing Peirce Brosnan as a co-star would normally put me off even bothering, but he played a good part.

Are you serious? It was total drivel. Cliched plot, terrible dialogue, 2-dimensional characters (especially the antagonists) and very poor acting.
I would only give it a 2 if I was feeling generous.


Legendary Member
Fire in Babylon - great documentary about Clive Lloyd & the boys, who decided to stick it to the man...

I was struck, in passing, by the listing in IMDB, and their top-line choice of 'stars'...


...three white guys, none of whom actually appears in the film, rather than any of 'the greatest team ever', about whom the film was made, who give extensive interviews throughout.


Are you serious? It was total drivel. Cliched plot, terrible dialogue, 2-dimensional characters (especially the antagonists) and very poor acting.
I would only give it a 2 if I was feeling generous.
I'm not always looking for highbrow, intelligent, meaningfully stuff...sometimes just a pacey film is enough for me.:okay:
TBF, I mentioned Pierce Brosnan, I don't usually like him, he is exactly what you describe, clichéd, not very believe able in almost anything I've seen of his...he was marginally better in this, but hardly brilliant.
I'm guessing you don't buy into films of the Rocky genre etc either then, THE worst acting, cruddyest films I ever saw....but it didn't stop them being popular :whistle:. Lord help us :thumbsdown:
Horses for courses I guess.

Tin Pot


CGI has stepped up another notch, the characters at times indistinguishable from humans.

The story is utter nonsense, and its disgusting.

Otherwise it's ok.


Tin Pot

Taken 3

Very well assembled and delivered, Im pretty sure they cut the film to avoid seeing Neesons old man shuffle when he's running but apart from that it's quite believable.

Nothing new here though, it's an action flick: hero is wronged, hero kills lots of people to get justice - old guys are reassured that they can still take on the world in a fist fight and win.

Luc Besson does this stuff well, Forest Whitaker is massively underplayed and looks like he should have had a major part, Neeson et al all provide good performances.

4/5 for what it is


Über Member
Hidden figures.

And then I spent the rest of the night reading about the ladies the film was based on. Incredible.

Tin Pot


Good..ish, but something is missing - Im not sure what.

Robot police starts the film with an element of Robocop, but this is about the creation of AI. Thrown into the mix are desperate criminals, an obsessive developer, a jealous Hugh Jackman, an exploration of the notion of consciousness/soul, Sigourney Weaver (underused outrageously)...maybe it tried to juggle too much.

Worth seeing, but still 3/5.


Legendary Member
Room. Extraordinary. Based on a novel inspired by those weird stories about people held captive for years, about a woman held for seven years who during her captivity has a son, five at the time of the movie. The cinematography, direction and script are all top notch, and the acting - particularly that of the young boy - just gobsmackingly good. 8+/10, maybe nudging nine. Not 'enjoyable', but a riveting watch.
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