What film did you watch last night?

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The Jogger

Legendary Member
Captain Philips, a bit too bloody for my liking but based on a true story and I'd give it an 8/10 for the story line and Tom Hanks.......

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Captain Philips, a bit too bloody for my liking but based on a true story and I'd give it an 8/10 for the story line and Tom Hanks.......
If you enjoyed that, check out "A Hijacking";

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyMegiVnYwM

As for me, I watched "Near Dark", in memory of Bill Paxton. Showing its age a little now (especially with that synthy soundtrack) but still one of the better vampire films out there, with the vamps upstaging our hero throughout (Paxton and Lance Henriksen being the greater part of that).


Legendary Member
Imperium starring Daniel Radcliffe. I'm sure with a different star, different actors, a different script, different time-line and a completely different story this might have been....alright but as it is, it's a total waste of time. The lowest 6/10 I've given a film since the last one I gave 6/10 for and promptly deleted from my memory banks to free up some room.


Legendary Member

Tom Cruise plays a Nazi who's hand fell off. He gets rather frustrated by not being able to give a proper Hitler salute, so decides to kill Hitler so he need salute no more. But he muffs it up.

8/10. Good film, but ruined by us knowing how it turns out.


Legendary Member

Tom Cruise plays a Nazi who's hand fell off. He gets rather frustrated by not being able to give a proper Hitler salute, so decides to kill Hitler so he need salute no more. But he muffs it up.

8/10. Good film, but ruined by us knowing how it turns out.
Is this the one where the Allies win?


Evidence based cyclist
The Lego Batman Movie.

Good, with some decent jokes for the grown-ups, but not as good as the Lego Movie.
7.144 /10

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Near Dark
Watched to mark the passing of Bill Paxton, although he's overshadowed by Lance Henriksen's brilliant performance throughout. It's a film that is both showing its age (the way the action is handled at some points, the overly synthy score) and vibrantly inventive and novel, even now. The images of the running, burning vampires will stay in your mind. It's still one of my favourite vampire films, despite its rather wet hero, and a fantastic calling card from Kathryn Bigelow, who directed (her first solo directing credit) and co-scripted it.

Well worth revisiting if you've not seen it in a while.


Legendary Member
Mrs Cisamcgu and I went to see Moonlight, the Oscar winning film.

Well.......the acting, at times, was superb (Naomi Harris especially), but the story, such as it is, just drifts along, we didn't really care about anyone, the dialog was indecipherable at times and the final third (it is made up from the separate times during the growing up of the main character) was completely pointless and unbelievable. To quote an IMDB reviewer it was "Borderline unwatchable". I was very tempted to leave and go and watch Logan which was playing in the next screen ...


I watched the remake of the Magnificent Seven, and was surprised by how much of it I remembered from the original - or maybe it was just very predictable. I enjoyed it nonetheless 7/10.
Then we watched Brotherhood - follow on from Kidulthood and Adulthood. It was pants. Really dull and mostly nonsense. 4/10


No Escape...Netflix.
:ohmy: Awesome. My heart was in my mouth for them.
Very very violent in places. One of the best films I've seen.
Ironically, seeing Peirce Brosnan as a co-star would normally put me off even bothering, but he played a good part.


London, UK
Started watching this movie called 'headshot' -- Its a martial arts movie from the same people who made 'The Raid' & 'The Raid 2'

Its honestly not that great, plot is very weak and predictable, the action scenes are very cliche. The violence/killing is very very over the top, overdone and exaggerated. The camera work during some of the fight scenes gives me motion sickness because they shake, move around, flick, zoom in and out so much.

Not to mention the continuity errors in some of the scenes and there are lots of them. Its like trying to make a B-Movie with a hollywood budget. just throw in all the fake blood. gore, CGI and other special effects because there's nothing else to blow the budget on...

Stick to The Raid 1 or 2 -- the first movie being the stronger of the two.

I give this movie 2/5
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