What film did you watch last night?

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North Shields
Loving - 7/10

Really well filmed, great score but overlong, though I do appreciate this was necessary to give the story space to breathe: while it's still a tragic story it's not your typical fiery take on racism in America as the Lovings just want to get on with life but end up becoming accidental heroes.


Legendary Member
La La Land.

Not worth 15 nominations, but perfectly nice escapeism that will leave you feeling satisfied except for the flying dancing bit which will never make sense.

I quite liked that bit, although found the film as a whole a bit disapointing. The music was so so and the singing terrible, especially the bloke. Visually great and acting good to be fair


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
I'm wondering when the last great musical film* was... possibly Grease I reckon. I do have a soft spot for Earth Girls are Easy, but that forgets it's a musical after half an hour.

*not disney style musical cartoons.


I quite liked that bit, although found the film as a whole a bit disapointing. The music was so so and the singing terrible, especially the bloke. Visually great and acting good to be fair
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the singing was weak in places. I can definitely see it being rewritten for the stage and being on Broadway in a couple of years, it had the structure of a two act musical.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Easily Mama Mia whether you like it or not
Pierce Brosnan squeezing out SOS like a man in fear of his life was the highlight for me.


Perhaps This One.....
A film from my younger years. 'You, Me & Marley', a tale of joyriders during the troubles. Found on youtube having searched for it a few times.
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