What film did you watch last night?

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North Shields
Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead - 7/10

Initially I gave up on this after 20 minutes, but with nothing else to watch and at a bit of a loose end I gave it another chance, and I'm glad I did because it's actually a pretty decent zombie flick in what's become a tired and predictable genre. If you smashed Braindead, Evil Dead and Mad Max together, you'd end up with this.


North Shields
Last Days of Mars - 6/10

Zombies! On Mars! Nothing new or inventive in the sci fi horror stakes, but we'll made and entertaining, albeit predictable.


"Eye in the Sky".
Protracted ethical dilemmas playing out in the command structure of a drone deployment as it circles above a suburban area.
With Helen Mirren.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Joyful - Manages the difficult trick of being touching without being cloyingly sentimental, offbeat without being annoyingly whacky, and set in some beautiful locations as well. Both leads are great (Sam Neill is as good in this as he has been in anything I've seen him in, and seems to be enjoying himself hugely).


London, UK
Hacksaw Ridge -- Directed by Mel Gibson. Absolutely smashing job. Though one would question if Gibson had 'infinite ammo' cheat turned on for the whole movie. I dont recall seeing a soldier ever reload.

Movie is based off a true story of a man 'who saved 75 men in Okinawa, during the bloodiest battle of WWII, without firing a single shot' and 'the first conscientious objector to ever win the Congressional Medal of Honor'
Batman Begins earlier on probably a 7/10 at best...i prefer the new Afleck to the old Bale tbh...but the old Caine is better than the new Irons....doh, 7.5/10 then :becool:


North Shields
La La Land - 8/10

Wasn't really sure to expect from this, but it's a lot less saccharine than I'd assumed and is actually quite a sad film. Beautifully made, largely shot on location and great performances all round. Some bits did drag a little, but I was in a cinema full of babies which affected my concentration.

Worth it for the final montage alone, which is a thing of beauty.


Flim Flormally
I try to kid myself I'm a hard-boiled flinty kind of bloke, not easily suckered by ersatz emotion and slushy sentimentality (or car chases, explosions, science fiction, science fantasy, fantasy fiction and anything with Meryl Streep in it, just to balance things up a bit). But this intense performance tugs your emotions one way and then another until way past the lump in the throat moment. And I hope Casey Affleck's copper bottomed performance really is an act, otherwise his neighbours will be a-feared of a killing spree. Get in the queue for the Oscars, guys.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsVoD0pTge0


Perhaps This One.....
Deepwater Horizon. Based on a true story, and if the real thing was a patch on the film it must have been a terrifying experience.


Continuing my current fetish for old films last night was The Hound of The Baskervilles (1939).

Forget the modern nonsense, Basil Rathbone is Sherlock, accept no other impostors.


Legendary Member
Another thumbs up for La La Land, though I'm not sure I quite understand the extent of the plaudits lavished on it. I mean, it out-scores Singin' in the Rain on IMDB - that makes no sense. But it's certainly the best unashamedly feelgood movie I've seen in many a year, and both leads are terrific.


Legendary Member
Another thumbs up for La La Land, though I'm not sure I quite understand the extent of the plaudits lavished on it. I mean, it out-scores Singin' in the Rain on IMDB - that makes no sense. But it's certainly the best unashamedly feelgood movie I've seen in many a year, and both leads are terrific.
Interesting. We thought it was overrated tosh.
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