What film did you watch last night?

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Legendary Member
My favourite moment is when One Round addresses "Mrs Lopsided" as "Ma". Brings a tear to my eye each time, but it's so subtly and beautifully done you easily miss it. It's a film full of such details.
Must confess that one passed me by, but you're right - the film is stuffed with those sleight of hand moments where the real funny is going on somewhere stage left of the main action. The aforementioned 'And who might Mrs Lopsided be?' line, follows One Round's attack on Louis, who he thinks has hurt her, Louis retreating up the stairs, bashing him repeatedly over the head with the cosh used earlier to lay out a guard with a single blow. After Mrs Lopsided's line, One Round stands there rubbing his head, but mostly looking abashed at Mrs Wilberforce's gentle scolding.


Star Trek X Nemesis


The Imitation Game. Kiera Knightly, yum yum.
I watched that last night, I'm not a big fan but this assessment is very accurate. Mind you I like the 40/50's style of fashions so that might have a bearing on it.

Not really a film to watch if you want historical accuracy, when it said at the start, 'based on a true story,' it should also have the words, 'very loosely,' added to it.
Magic in the Moonlight - Woody Allen rom-com from 2014 with Colin Firth and Emma Stone - just a nice film that contemplates materialism... Set in the late 20's shot mainly in France, Firth plays a successful magician who's world view is grounded in science, logic and reality and who 'delights' in exposing mediums... Emma Stone plays a young attractive medium who Firth's childhood friend and like-minded fellow magician is having difficulty exposing... you can see what is going to happen a mile off but its still enjoyable to watch the romance/plot unfold... well shot, edited and acted with just a couple of irritating 'out of the blue' lines of script to hurry the storyline along; like a random "As you know, I will be holding a press conference about you tomorrow" that flows unnaturally in the conversation sort of thing, but given the overall charm of the film, they can be forgiven. Not his best, certainly not his worst, but for me an average Woody Allen film is still better than most of the dross on offer so defiantly worth a watch - I'd give it 7.5 out of 10


Evidence based cyclist
Not his best, certainly not his worst, but for me an average Woody Allen film is still better than most of the dross on offer so defiantly worth a watch - I'd give it 7.5 out of 10

Yes, I do like to watch films defiantly.


I watched Bloodsport (martial arts film with Van Damme, 1988). Then spent an hour on google looking up Frank Dux and found the film wasn't far off the truth!.

Still haven seen Lion yet but it looks interesting.

"The Railway Man", Colin Firth was an excellent film about a prisoner of war and what happened years later.


Legendary Member
The Black Balloon - an Aussie film about a teenage boy and his autistic brother. Really well done, though it's the kind of film that makes you wonder how it ever got made. Does a really good job of creating a believable family, with commendably non-cliched characters, and tho' nothing very much really happens it's still really quite moving. Terrific performance by the actor playing the autistic brother.


Legendary Member
Colin Firth movie, the name of which escapes me, about a secret spy group. Very bloodthirsty and violent, but with some amusing moments too. Samuel L. Jackson was the rather poor villain.

5.5/10 - wouldn't watch it again.


Evidence based cyclist
Colin Firth movie, the name of which escapes me, about a secret spy group. Very bloodthirsty and violent, but with some amusing moments too. Samuel L. Jackson was the rather poor villain.

5.5/10 - wouldn't watch it again.

I liked it.
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