What film did you watch last night?

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Legendary Member
I liked it.
Yep, that's the one - fun I suppose, but not what I was expecting :smile:


Legendary Member
Always remote swerved Kingsman...now Firth in TTSS is a different story:reading:

Given the TV version of Tinker Taylor was one of the finest TV drama series ever made with arguably Alec Guiness's best performance,, the movie had its work cut out. I expected to be disapointed but instead I was enthralled. Not saying it's better than the TV but pretty bloody good all the same. Gary Oldman is perhaps the nearest thing we have to another Alec Guiness these days as his variety and talent is on a par.
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Given the TV version of Tinker Taylor was one of the finest TV drama series ever made with arguably Alec Guiness's best performance,, the movie had it's work cut out. I expected to be disapointed but instead I was enthralled. Not saying it's better than the TV but pretty bloody good all the same. Gary Oldman is perhaps the nearest thing we have to another Alec Guiness these days as his variety and talent is on a par.
Yes agree, the tv version was brilliant and Sir Alec was made for the part ...up there with Brideshead and Singing Detective for my money


Finally got round to watching The Theory of Everything this weekend as it's currently on Netflix, what an amazing movie not much else i can say really Eddie Redmayne definitely deserved the Oscar.
Finally got round to watching The Theory of Everything this weekend as it's currently on Netflix, what an amazing movie not much else i can say really Eddie Redmayne definitely deserved the Oscar.
Thats what i watched last night further to my ramblings above...great film with quality acting all round. Damn sight easier than reading Brief History which made my head hurt :hyper:


Thats what i watched last night further to my ramblings above...great film with quality acting all round. Damn sight easier than reading Brief History which made my head hurt :hyper:

I don't think i could even dare to read the book, in all honesty just watching the film and looking at the chalk boards had my head aching :smile:


Legendary Member
I don't think i could even dare to read the book, in all honesty just watching the film and looking at the chalk boards had my head aching :smile:

Frankly "Brief history of time" isn't a very good book. Ok, if not great at the "known" stuff but Hawking rather mixes up wild speculation with solid physics which would mislead manu readers.

If you are after this sort of thing, then Einstein's own (popular) account of relativity (both sorts) and Richar Feynman's "Six easy pieces" are both superb, as is Bill Bryson's "History of Nearly Everything" Given he's a non-scientist, he has clearly talked to and learnt from, real experts (usually named) and done justice to their fields. Whilst only a gentleman amateur in such matters I can usually pick holes in popular science books, but on all the things I knew about in Bryson's book, it's spot on.


Given the TV version of Tinker Taylor was one of the finest TV drama series ever made with arguably Alec Guiness's best performance,, the movie had it's work cut out. I expected to be disapointed but instead I was enthralled. Not saying it's better than the TV but pretty bloody good all the same. Gary Oldman is perhaps the nearest thing we have to another Alec Guiness these days as his variety and talent is on a par.

Not seen the TV series but loved the film, might watch it again later!.


Not seen the TV series but loved the film, might watch it again later!.
You need to see the series. It had the time to develop the characters and plot. Alec Guinness (takes off glasses, wipes, puts back on, squints) was fab. Smiley was brilliant at his job but crap at life and his particularly his relationship with Ann.
Followed up by Smiley people, not quite as good.


North Shields
Given the TV version of Tinker Taylor was one of the finest TV drama series ever made with arguably Alec Guiness's best performance,, the movie had it's work cut out. I expected to be disapointed but instead I was enthralled. Not saying it's better than the TV but pretty bloody good all the same. Gary Oldman is perhaps the nearest thing we have to another Alec Guiness these days as his variety and talent is on a par.

That's a very good call about Gary Oldman, who is a long time favourite of mine and I'm not sure he's as celebrated as he should be. Mads Mikkelsen and Daniel Day Lewis are both brilliant too. And I rate Daniel Radcliffe highly, but he'll never shake the Harry Potter character unfortunately.
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