What film did you watch last night?

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Über Member
New Forest
Very true. He properly went off the deep end with Antichrist though. I'm a connoisseur of grim viewing and found it hard work.

For a truly bizarre slice of television, check out his early nineties series The Kingdom and The Kingdom II. It was vaguely successfully remade as Kingdom Hospital with Stephen King at the helm a couple of years ago, but it was far too glossy and didn't capture the eerie atmosphere of the original.

The original is also responsible for the truly brilliant parody, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace.
Cheers Andy, I like a challenge I will seek out The Kingdom .


North Shields
Temple of Doom was the 2nd one... but admittedly not as good as Lost Ark (1) or Last Crusade (3).. but a million times better than Kingdom of the Crystal Sh!t

Lost Ark is by far the best.

There's a fifth outing rumoured. Sadly I suspect it will involve Harrison Ford handing over the legacy to Shia the Egg and thus another series of quality films will be tarnished.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
again not a film... the final part of the second series of Line of Duty. Good... but not as good an ending as series one. In fact, I might have to re-watch series one all over again.
Watched the Russel Crowe Robin Hood last night.
Last night we watched The Bank Job, the Jason Statham version. Very entertaining, and one I've enjoyed a few times.

I have heard Russel can't tie down one accent in that film. Was it any good though @HLaB ?


North Shields
Last night we watched The Bank Job, the Jason Statham version. Very entertaining, and one I've enjoyed a few times.

I have heard Russel can't tie down one accent in that film. Was it any good though @HLaB ?

It's entertaining brain popcorn that you don't have to think about much to enjoy. Playing 'Guess Where Russel's From Now' is good too: he covered most of the UK!

I'm watching Senna (again) this evening. My wife's not seen it before so I've warned her that the room may be quite dusty and that some grit might get in my eyes.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
It's entertaining brain popcorn that you don't have to think about much to enjoy. Playing 'Guess Where Russel's From Now' is good too: he covered most of the UK!

I'm watching Senna (again) this evening. My wife's not seen it before so I've warned her that the room may be quite dusty and that some grit might get in my eyes.

Ive heard that one before. :whistle:
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