What film did you watch last night?

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Legendary Member
Talking about films, here's one for all of you film-watchers. How does Andy Dufresne get the poster of Marilyn Monroe (it may have been Raquel Welch, either way) back on his wall after getting out through the hole he's made behind it?


Talking about films, here's one for all of you film-watchers. How does Andy Dufresne get the poster of Marilyn Monroe (it may have been Raquel Welch, either way) back on his wall after getting out through the hole he's made behind it?

He pins it on the wall top left then climbs in the hole and puts his hand through and pins it bottom right :okay:


Firm and Fruity
I watched the original Super Man with my 5 year old son. He was very bored.
I hadn't realised how slow and dull action films were. I remember it being amazing, but it was just meh.
On NYE we watched Best In Show and for the first time The Nice Guys;really funny and a good 'romp' although probably not for the prudish.


Surely not the 4th non Jason Bourne, Jason Bourne film that was rubbish

I felt sorry for Jeremy Renner, that film was dead from the start (No Matt and no Greengrass directing).

Was told Jason Bourne wasn't much cop but I thoroughly enjoyed it as well.

"The Accountant" is a good film if you're into Bourne, Ben Affleck plays a good part. Worth a watch!.

We've watched all the Harry Potters over Christmas, my lads read all the books and was interested how they put it into film. Wasn't a fan to start with but have to admit by the end of the last one they weren't bad at all.


North Shields
Independence Day: Resurgence - 7/10

I was prepared to hate this, and I sort of do because it's essentially the same film as the original and sets up a sequel in a painfully obvious film by numbers way (though it could be excellent). That said, it's good fun and the action sequences aren't stupidly cut so you can actually tell what is going on.


A fish out of water
Gorllewin Cymru
Watched a few films over the break on Prime.

The Water Diviner. I wasn't expecting much from this film, but I was so wrong, a great film with lots of little twists.

Argo. Funny and serious at the same time, worth a watch.

A Single Man. I found this film to be so boring, it seemed to be trying to be something it wasn't. Not recommended.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
American Werewolf in London, which didnae finish until 1.55am so I am not in my usual sparkling form this morning
A true classic.
On NYE we watched Best In Show and for the first time ...
Another cracker... i love all of Christopher Guests movies and the Family Tree TV series he did was nothing short of charming (and a little bit silly)


Equalizer ---- very good action film.Bit far fetched,ex Special Forces,CIA bloke who has retired,takes on Russian bad boys,then goes to Moscow and tops the head man.Passed a couple of hours.
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