What film did you watch last night?

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The Jogger

Legendary Member
I saw that film at the cinema when it fist came out ( the ABC in Staines if you're interested) an odd film but as you say strangely compelling. I've never been a fan of Bowie or his music but that film had an effect on me when I was a yoof. I only went because I got free tickets work for EMI at the time.

I saw that film in the Paris Pullman just off the Fulham Road. It was the place to see alternative films.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Captain Phillips (PVR'ed)
Very good, with Tom Hanks excellent as the competent, dilligent everyman who rises to the occasion during the hijacking of his ship by Somali pirates. Well directed, shot and played
the segement in which the pirates board the ship is still tense, despite us knowing the outcome.
The supporting cast is strong too, although the pirates (Captain aside) are a little stereotypical (the kid, the crazy one &c). I couldn't help thinking of the less flashy, but in my recollection, more comprehensive Danish film "A Hijacking" (which covers the viewpoint of crew and the negotiators,
with no military intervention to save the day, iirc).
. They'd make a good double bill.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyMegiVnYwM

How to Train Your Dragon 2 (PVR'ed)
Decent extension to the franchise, and I didn't think "How come everyone else is Scottish, while the main character has a Woody Allen-ish American accent, despite being the son of the (Scottish accented) chief" all that often. As in the first, I think a lot of the fun is in the creature design, which is superb.


Legendary Member
We watched On the Road, the David Brent story.
It was funny, but not quite as funny as mr6 and no2son found it!
You have to be a fan of the office to appreciate it.
You need a strong constitution to stomach the vile creature Gervais has created in David Brent there. If it was strong on reality, a member of the audience - well at LEAST one member of the audience - would have got up and panelled him one.
Kent Coast
I started watching London Has Fallen, but gave up after about 20 minutes. Too implausible for my taste, and I was really, really struggling to hear the dialogue. I honestly considered putting the subtitles on, to be able to understand what was happening. Then, in a big shootout, just about every emergency service worker was in fact a terrorist, and at that point I was out..........
I went for a walk instead.


Evidence based cyclist
Had a good weekend of movies.

The Nice Guys
Very funny, great story, and Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe are both good in it.

I'm becoming quite the Asa Butterfield fan. He is great in this as an orphan living in a train station in Paris trying to repair an intricate automaton.
A love letter to early cinema and a great family film.
A beautiful film with outstanding performances (loads of good people in it), and emotional without being (too) mawkish.

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back
Tom Cruise runs, fights and shoots his way through this rather by numbers sequel.
If you liked the first one you'd like it, but nothing special.


North Shields
Baskin - 4/10

First (I think) of Film4's latest horror movie season. Starts off quite well, loses the plot completely and then chucks in gore to compensate.


I watched the Hateful 8 at the weekend while suffering man flu..
but for the being stuck on the couch feeling sorry for myself id have gone and done something else for nearly 3 hrs...very Tarantino and the usual gore..but ffs its a 1hr 20 film at best.. 3/10 if you had to pay.
5/10 for a free watch which i had..
I saw that film at the cinema when it fist came out ( the ABC in Staines if you're interested) an odd film but as you say strangely compelling. I've never been a fan of Bowie or his music but that film had an effect on me when I was a yoof. I only went because I got free tickets work for EMI at the time.
I saw it some years later, in repertory, in a student lounge at RMIT. There was enough ambient light in the room to make the sex scene incomprehensible. There were bodies and the occasional glint of a gun, but I have no idea what happened there. In fact, so much so that I can't be completely confident it was a sex scene at all.
you that it's an Australian film and not many good films have ever come out of that place!
Did you just write that to annoy me? A lot of great films come out of Australia ... argument peters out as I haven't watched one in a while .....

(normally I object to the helicoptering in of international stars into Australian movies for their box office appeal on principle, but Kate gets a pass because she started her movie career with a stunning antipodean debut)


Legendary Member
Just a quick word for everyone. It's now accepted internet lore that ALL films receive 6/10 regardless of what you thought of it. Then you can expand around the score you've given it as anyone's personal rating is just that - personal and almost always at variance with anyone Elsie's opinion.
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