What film did you watch last night?

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John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Inside Llewyn Davis (recorded, quite a while ago)
Quietly splendid Coen Brothers film about the travails of a folk singer in the '60s. Not the typical doomed loser of the Coens' previous work, Llewyn has talent, and works for success as a solo artist, but it continually eludes him.
In fact, his efforts are almost sysiphean, with the film depositing him in more or less the same position he started in. He's no wiser, there's no personal growth, none of the usual Hollywood stuff.
The cinematography is lovely, the soundtrack is well put together, and the performances are terrific. I regret not watching it earlier.


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
Went to see Sully while in Edinburgh midweek.

Nicely understated performance by Tom Hanks, special effects were pretty good and the supporting characters well played for the most part.

But the sequences showing the NTSB investigation bore no relation to reality, implying that they were out to get Sully for exercising poor judgement in not attempting to get back to an airport instead of ditching in the Hudson. I don't mind a bit of dramatic licence, but inventing a competely fictitious subtext is going a bit too far.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
[QUOTE 4610850, member: 9609"]something about the woman who wrote the book Mary Poppins meeting Walt Disney and having the movie made. Can't remember what it was called but it was brilliant, probably the best film I have seen all year.[/QUOTE]
Saving Mr Banks - I have it recorded to watch later.


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
I'm not normally an Agatha Christie fan, but I watched The Case for the Prosecution purely because it has Toby Jones, who I think is brilliant in almost everything he does.

He didn't disappoint.

Captain Phillips later on was edge-of-your-seat stuff, with Paul Greengrass piling on the tension and Tom Hanks a class act as usual.
Last movie I watched last night was Spectral on Netflix.
It's very reminiscent of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within and at times you'd think you'd stepped into a video game demo.
The pace is good, there's bits that make you shudder a bit when watching late at night, and overall it's well worth a watch.


North Shields
Just watched Bubba Ho-Tep, an unusual film to say the least. Elvis in a Texas retirement home with a black guy playing JFK, who didn't die either, both fighting with an Egyptian mummy who's sucking the souls from OAP's in the home.

It was actually pretty good.

Pretty good?! It's brilliant! Sadly I don't think the prequel will ever get made, despite Bruce Campbell hinting at it over the years.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
A Good Day to Die Hard (PVR)
Not great - the good bits seem to be reshoots of the good bits from previous Die Hards, there is more falling through the air while an explosion happens slow motion than I think I have ever seen in a film, and the MacClane sr/jr dynamic is unconvincing. I hope Bruce Willis got a nice conservatory out of it, or something, but rewatch 1 or 2 instead of this entry in the series, if you can.

High Rise (Amazon)
Resentments between the residents of a tower block split along class lines become open hostility when the systems running the building break down. Directed by Ben Wheatley, and set in a very '70s vision of the future, I thought this was far better than the two stars it has on Amazon - I haven't, however, read the book, so can't tell you whether it's a faithful adaptation or not.


North Shields
Rogue One (or Rouge Dong as my pals and I have started calling it) - 8/10

First film I've seen in 3D Imax and it looked absolutely incredible, both the physical and CGI effects were beautiful - especially the space battles.

I liked that it gave a bit of back story, but there were a lot of nods to other Star Wars films which made it feel a bit self indulgent in places.


Legendary Member
Mad Max: Fury Road. Reminded me of the quote about Sam Goldwyn I think it was who reportedly said that he wanted movies that started with an earthquake and built to a climax. The script must have been at least seven or eight pages.Here's the plot: broom broom, bang. Fun. 7/10.
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