What film did you watch last night?

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Flim Flormally
This maybe a spoiler in itself.

Whoops. Sorry, @jefmcg. Lack of awareness on my part, although I don't think anyone will spot the twist and ...
I don't think anyone else will actually see the film.
Let me know on either count if you do.


Legendary Member
Bird - Clint Eastwood's Charlie Parker biopic. Curiously bloodless and unengaging, with no real feel of the era or the events portrayed. Perhaps Eastwood was a bit overawed by the challenge - it all feels over-reverential and unreal. For just one odd example, in every scene of a tour down south, portrayed as taking them down pot-holed backroads strewn with puddles, the car has a showroom gleam to it, like it's been buffed to perfection just before the shout of 'Action!' All clothes are freshly laundered; every street immaculately swept; every backstreet dive looks kind of Hollywood-quaint. The whole thing just fails to ring true. There's a great film to be made about the birth of be bop, but this ain't it. 6/10.
I caught 'The Lone Ranger' on BBC2 last night and surprisingly, rather enjoyed it.

I was initially drawn in by Johny Depp's portrayal of Tonto (would never have recognised him if I hadn't checked the cast list on IMDB) but also enjoyed the camera work and quality cast.

Some great one-liners, particularly from Depp's Tonto.


I watched that over the past couple of nights too, quite entertaining, & novel way of telling the story of the early days

It did take a hell of a long time to get to what must the most iconic piece that Rossini wrote


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2

WWII Movie starring Brad Pitt as a Sherman Tank Commander.
Not too bad. Made a little better by not having too much gung ho sentiment, though it did creep in a little towards the end. Quite brutal in parts. Nothing truly outstanding but a good watch. The extras on the BR disc were very good though.

Tonight's fare is one of my all time favourites. In Brugges.
The fifth Jason Bourne film, simply called Jason Bourne and the best of the five so far, IMO.

Plenty of realistic action and fight scenes, stunts and car chases.


John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
The Lobster (Netflix)

Fantastic. The same sort of self contained, internally (but off kilter) consistent worlds, mannered dialogue and attention to framing that characterises Wes Anderson, but with a far darker sensibility. I'm wary of saying too much about it, because frankly, I think even the synopsis on Netflix is more than you should know going in.


North Shields
American History X

Brutal and powerful scenes, not for the faint hearted.

Good switches between black and white and colour to portray the past and the present.

Brilliant film. I watched an edited for TV version of it once and they'd taken out the shower scene. A very strange move that totally knackers the film!


Evidence based cyclist
Rogue One.

Really very good and ties in nicely with Episode IV.
A slight niggle, that
CGI Peter Cushing was too CGI.

8.2465 /10
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