What film did you watch last night?

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Mad Max - 8/10

Light on dialogue, big on visuals, low on budget and a pretty incredible piece of cinema. Less is definitely more with the whole series as the original and Fury Road have proved. Road Warrior is a close third.
...and it's got Lizzie Birdsworth in it!


Legendary Member
What do you expect? Any film with a numbered suffix at the end of the title is indicating a distinct lack of imagination.

The Madness of King George was adapted from a play by Alan Bennett called The Madness of George III, renamed for fear that American audiences, seeing the original title, would think 'Oh, well I missed 1 & 2, so I won't bother with this."


Legendary Member
Watched The Martian on me new 4K telly. Astounding quality, and I quite liked the movie too, tho' even as a non-scientist there was quite a lot about it that didn't seem to me to make a lot of sense. But like I say, astonishing to look at.


North Shields
The Madness of King George was adapted from a play by Alan Bennett called The Madness of George III, renamed for fear that American audiences, seeing the original title, would think 'Oh, well I missed 1 & 2, so I won't bother with this."

Funny though that is, it's sadly not really true: http://www.snopes.com/movies/films/george.asp[/spolier]

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Warcraft. A fantasy type films not bad and it ended as if another one was in the pipeline. Based on the game warcraft .


Legendary Member
The Watchmen. Perhaps too much like the comics, and in some ways constrained by this, but a fun, if confusing, film. (7.5/10)

I loved Watchmen and though it outstanding. Really got the comic book look and feel. I'd not read the comic but was sufficiently aware of it to think it was fairly true to the material. Dark, bleak and rather unsettling. The conceit of Watchmen is to ask what the world would be like if there really were super heroes. Quit long and slow (not a bad thing) and not really much action really. Walking out of the cinema with the Mrs saying how brilliant it was, overheard a chap in front saying "that's a couple of hours I'll not get back" so he'd presumably have expected transformers 3 or whatever. A 9 or 10 in my book so I enjoyed it, or maybe was impressed by it even more than you.
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