What film did you watch last night?

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Legendary Member
Pitch Perfect. New girl joins college a capella group, will they won't they win the climactic contest OMG the suspense is unbearable. But for all its seen-it-all-beforeness, and the fact that it was little more than an extended exclusively a capella X Factor, I have to confess to rather enjoying it. Can't in all conscience give it more than a 7 tho', and in truth that's pretty generous.


Fever pitch. An adaptation of Nick Hornby's book (he wrote the screenplay). Colin Firth looking very young. A feel good film very much in the Notting hill vein. Football crazy Boy get girl, looses girl, gets girl back. All tied in with Arsenal winning the league.
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Pitch Perfect. New girl joins college a capella group, will they won't they win the climactic contest OMG the suspense is unbearable. But for all its seen-it-all-beforeness, and the fact that it was little more than an extended exclusively a capella X Factor, I have to confess to rather enjoying it. Can't in all conscience give it more than a 7 tho', and in truth that's pretty generous.
Now you need to watch Pitch Perfect 2!!!
We watched Flight of the Navigator . Love a good 80's film I do. 8/10


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Last I watched Westworld (1973) for the first time in maybe 20 years. I was worried that it'd be far far worse than I recall but it's a cracking slice of 70 sci-fi. I might have to find a copy of Futureworld but i recall that being hugely inferior to Westworld. There's a reason i re-watched Westworld after all these years... popping over to the What TV thread.


North Shields
Deepwater Horizon - Hhhmmm/10

It's not really one thing or another. Starts off as a sort of documentary/reconstruction then when the explosions start puts Wahlberg into America f*ck yeah mode for 30 minutes or so as he saves various folk like an invincible hero.

So whilst I enjoyed it, I doubt I'll ever watch it again.


Legendary Member
Marnie - an old Alfred Hitchcock, with Sean Connery before he became wosisname. I've never really understood the reverence for Hitchcock, and this exemplified all the reasons why - clunky script, really crude 'dja gettit?' direction throughout, like the audience are idiots and need leading by the nose through every plot point, very stagey, with overly neat locations and neater wardrobe, and lighting so bad you wonder why no-one took him on one side and said 'Um...Alfred...?' I keep trying 'the old master' to see if I've missed something, but I still don't get it.

Tin Pot

Django Unchained - Netflix

Pretty good, for what it is meant to be 9/10.

I can understand some of the criticisms, but if you want all out vengeance on slavery and racism, you've got it here in spades.

Nicely dramatic, the violence is almost cartoon like (so easier for wusses like me to stomach), and lots of spaghetti western throwbacks.

Not recommended for feminists though.
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Marnie - an old Alfred Hitchcock, with Sean Connery before he became wosisname. I've never really understood the reverence for Hitchcock, and this exemplified all the reasons why - clunky script, really crude 'dja gettit?' direction throughout, like the audience are idiots and need leading by the nose through every plot point, very stagey, with overly neat locations and neater wardrobe, and lighting so bad you wonder why no-one took him on one side and said 'Um...Alfred...?' I keep trying 'the old master' to see if I've missed something, but I still don't get it.

Yep, Marnie is a bit hit and miss. I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that maybe Hitchcock had the hots for Tippi Hedren and put her in a film she wasn't suited?



The story of the person who invented the joy supermop, only not quite her story , apart from the fact that there was a mop in it.

Predictable chick-flick, some funny bits, some not. 7/10

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist

Barely sufferable Johnny Depp vehicle - when he's physically present, he seems to be channelling the character from his aftershave ad. Paul Bettany is good, but there is a lot of the 2hrs 30 min running time where he isn't on screen. A film with interesting themes that it can barely be bothered to explore properly, sadly.


Legendary Member
Gangs of New York. Tour de force bit of film-making - hits the ground running and keeps the adrenalin coursing throughout, never flagging despite a runtime that must be three hours give or take. Leonardo di Caprio &, even more so, Daniel Day-Lewis, on top form, and a stupendous recreation of New York in the mid-19C, both as a physical environment and a roiling hotchpodge of humanity at a time of catch-your-breath turmoil. In one scene, migrants newly-arrived from Ireland disembark from a boat, are signed in as citizens, enlisted as soldiers, and immediately board another boat to join the civil war. Breathtaking stuff. 8+/10.


North Shields
Gangs of New York. Tour de force bit of film-making - hits the ground running and keeps the adrenalin coursing throughout, never flagging despite a runtime that must be three hours give or take. Leonardo di Caprio &, even more so, Daniel Day-Lewis, on top form, and a stupendous recreation of New York in the mid-19C, both as a physical environment and a roiling hotchpodge of humanity at a time of catch-your-breath turmoil. In one scene, migrants newly-arrived from Ireland disembark from a boat, are signed in as citizens, enlisted as soldiers, and immediately board another boat to join the civil war. Breathtaking stuff. 8+/10.

Daniel Day Lewis has never been in a bad film.


North Shields
Guardians of the Galaxy - 8/10

I have put off watching this because I wrongly assumed it was Legend of the Guardians, some daft thing about owls. I should have done some research because it's actually really good. One of the funnest Marvel efforts, not as funny as Deadpool but just as entertaining.
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