What film did you watch last night?

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Perhaps a bit dated now
This is coming into it's own now ....

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFJopF6WJNw


Legendary Member
The Train - a gripping WW2 movie starring Burt Lancaster as the French railman railroaded by an obsessive German colonel into driving a train full of 'degenerate art' (Gauguin, Degas, Picasso) from Paris to Germany in the dying days of the war. Great script and acting in a genuinely intriguing psychological look into what drives men to do what they do, set against a gritty and convincing portrayal of war, close up. As a reviewer on IMDB pointed out (I failed to notice) Burt Lancaster, tho' the star and overwhelmingly central figure, says not a single word in the last 20 minutes. How about that for audacious direction? 8-9 out of ten.


Über Member
Watched The Conjuring 2 last night.Not quite as good as the first one but it made MrsGaz jump plenty of times.Definitely worth a watch,especially with the lights out.


Legendary Member
Black Mountain Poets - one of those lo-budget indy films that's almost impossible not to describe as 'quirky', about a couple of petty criminal women who find themselves masquerading as famous poets at a small poets' convention in the Welsh mountains. (And when I say 'small', think a dozen or so people.) Full of plot holes and absurdity, but also fun & no little charm. I'd give it a seven, Brian - probably erring on the generous, but it's the kind of film that makes you that way inclined.


Red - a highly original sounding tale of an ex CIA agent who is wanted dead by old friends/enemies,

With Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren, and Ernest Borgnine (I thought he'd died years ago).

Not exactly laugh out loud comedy, but obviously doesn't take itself too seriously, 5/10.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I am actually watching Solomon Kane at the moment. I've seen it before , but it is quite a good film.
Now You See Me 2 - why did I bother? The first one was mildly watchable in 'a little bit different' kind of way, but this one was just daft...
The BFG (watched with the children) - great fun!
+1 for Sleeper. Almost p***** myself laughing when I first saw it 3 decades ago. Perhaps a bit dated now, but the first half is still strong.

I watched "The Lobster" yesterday. Must have gone over my head, because I haven't a clue what to make of it.

Went over mine as well.... very odd and lost interest by the end...


We've just watched The Huntsman, Winter's war. The sequel to Snow white and the huntsman.
It was much better than the first, not particularly child friendly, but fantastic for over 10's.
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