What film did you watch last night?

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Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted
I assumed you watched the movie in it's appropriate place in the series, and thus assumed that series 10 was the season that followed the movie. I'm shocked to see that you watched the movie out of sequence :eek:
Not having been a paid up member of the David Duchovny Oestrogen Brigade, I don't remember the season/series numbers off by heart and I was too lazy to check.

This means that you missed at least one joke from whichever season followed the movie, which i am still too lazy to check.

Not sure I get you on this, but please don't be shocked, I watched the series and films in the correct order, and the second film came between Series 9 and 10, but the film was set in 2008 and Series 10 in 2016, so chewing him out for expenses would be a bit late in the day, plus the FBI asked Mulder to go back to them in the movie - but it seems I may well have missed a joke or something.

As I need to get a life, I binge watched the last (double) episode of Series 9 on Tuesday morning, then the movie, and then the first 3 episodes of Series 10, which I then finished yesterday. After your post I looked at the first episode of Series 10 again to make sure. Perhaps by binge watching it, I missed some subtle detail and hence the joke.

Thanks for the help of the spoiler thing, I'll get it right one day :becool:
Yep. He did the soundtracks for pretty much all his films.
Though I like his music, I believe the reason he wrote his own music was to save money.

Now, what to do with this .....



North Shields
Super 8 - 8/10 (natch)

I wasn't really expecting much to be honest, but this is really, really good. They had kids acting as kids, getting hurt, in trouble and swearing a lot; kept you hanging on the monster reveal for 80 minutes; and most importantly didn't batter you over the head with morality messages, which were there but subtle.


Legendary Member
Westworld (1973).....Yul Brynner, Richard Benjamin, James Brolin..... very dated now, lots and lots of plotholes but still an enjoyable and interesting film concerning A.I...I can imagine at the time people thought we'd have a westworld by about the year 2000, easily accessible by flying cars ;)

I watched this last weekend, the TV series starts on Tuesday.


Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted
Westworld (1973).....Yul Brynner, Richard Benjamin, James Brolin..... very dated now, lots and lots of plotholes but still an enjoyable and interesting film concerning A.I...I can imagine at the time people thought we'd have a westworld by about the year 2000, easily accessible by flying cars ;)
I remember seeing that at the cinema in 1974 with some school friends. After 42 years, can't remember much about it other than Yul Brinner being the baddy as some kind of indestructible cowboy who couldn't be killed and it was quite scary.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
The curious case of Benjamin button. Quite a sad film I thought. I thoroughly enjoyed it even though it was rather sad. This is a long film lasting 2 hours and 40 minutes.


Evidence based cyclist
The Incredibles

Just fantastic. A tongue-in-cheek parody of the superhero genre, but also a great film in its own right.
Brilliant animation, excellent voice cast.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Assassin (Amazon Prime)

Reviewed at two stars on the site, I notice, presumably by people without souls. This is beautiful, contemplative film.

It suffers a little in that the characters are pretty unsympathetic, save for the titular assassin herself, but it is beautifully filmed, with the fights framed mostly in a static, or slowly tracking frame intimating, I think, the permanence of the land and nature over the impermanence of human life. As ever with foreign films, I do wonder if there are links to folk tales, or cultural resonances that are eluding me as I watch, but I liked this enough to want to watch it again in the hope of getting even more from it. Wonderful.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
The Big Short http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1596363/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_5

Really good some bits tough to follow but stick with it and some good comical moments
If you've not seen it already, "Inside Job" is an excellent (and very watchable) documentary about the financial crisis, and the way that the economics that precipitated it have embedded themselves in the culture of business schools (and so, of business itself).
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