What film did you watch last night?

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Just watched X-Files "I want to believe" movie after watching every episode of the TV series (up to series 9) since March this year, on Spike / Amazon Prime, including the X Files film at the end of series 6. Not bad, but not as good as the TV show or the previous film. Not sure if it was filmed with a dulling effect but I bought the DVD and it seemed very low light and the picture was not too sharp. Anyway, now for series 10 of the TV show.
As I recall, the first episode of series 10 features Mulder getting chewed out for his expenses during the movie
Did you jump when the head fell out of the bottom of the boat? Gets me every time that... i know it's coming, but it always gets me!

That one has never got me. I saw it at the cinema (yup, old) and I still remember the stranger sitting beside me giving her friend a scene by scene spoiler - eg "a head is about to appear in a hole in the boat" She, her friend and I were the only three people in the theatre who didn't scream.


Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted
As I recall, the first episode of series 10 features Mulder.........
No, you recall incorrectly. The 2nd movie is set in 2008 and series 10 in 2016, which makes that an unrealistic storyline - and we all know how realistic the X Files is, don't we ^_^ - it didn't happen as you suggested anyway.

How do you do that spoiler alert box? Looked for the option, but couldn't find it.

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
My Col du Tourmalet descent video from Sep 11th, during which I took 3 frame snapshots, to add to my PC's desktop backgrounds list. :smile:
While watching it, I also remembered how fast I went down some of the straight bits, probably about 50mph. :hyper:
No, you recall incorrectly. The 2nd movie is set in 2008 and series 10 in 2016, which makes that an unrealistic storyline - and we all know how realistic the X Files is, don't we ^_^ - it didn't happen as you suggested anyway.

How do you do that spoiler alert box? Looked for the option, but couldn't find it.

I assumed you watched the movie in it's appropriate place in the series, and thus assumed that series 10 was the season that followed the movie. I'm shocked to see that you watched the movie out of sequence :eek:
Not having been a paid up member of the David Duchovny Oestrogen Brigade, I don't remember the season/series numbers off by heart and I was too lazy to check.

This means that you missed at least one joke from whichever season followed the movie, which i am still too lazy to check.

<nothing showed up on my screen>
You need to do something like this ....

[SPOILER="Ah, I see. Many thanks"]You need to actually put something in the spoiler box for it to work[/SPOILER]

Which gives you
You need to actually put something in the spoiler box for it to work
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