What film did you watch last night?

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Ginger Snaps - 8/10

Puberty, werewolves, teen angst... what could possibly go wrong? A lot for the chaps in this film as it happens. Yes, the werewolf metaphor is a bit heavy handed at times but overall it's a really clever, dark take on the fairly tired "coming of age" genre.

Agreed... but i'd advise you avoid Ginger Snaps Back :stop:


North Shields
Agreed... but i'd advise you avoid Ginger Snaps Back :stop:

Too late. Total disaster. Though Unleashed was pretty good.

Hugh Manatee

World's End with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.

I don't watch many films these days but this was on Film 4 so I thought, why not?

I quite enjoyed it. It had regular twists right through to the end.

A sort of British comedy rewrite of They Live.


Legendary Member
World's End with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.

I don't watch many films these days but this was on Film 4 so I thought, why not?

I quite enjoyed it. It had regular twists right through to the end.

A sort of British comedy rewrite of They Live.

Reasonably enjoyable but in my view the weakest of the 3 in their nominal trilogy. Hot-fuzz is by far the best of -brilliant and hilarious6

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Moonrise Kingdom

Like a lot of Wes Anderson, this teeters on the edge of being insufferable, but for me, stays the right side of it.

The scenes are gorgeously framed, shot, and art directed, with a care that seems like a rarity. I particularly like that the two leads blend into the carefully chosen pallette of their scenes, whereas the adults, to whom they are in opposition clash with it. Towards the end of the film, once resolution has been acheived, that pallette shifts, as does the costuming of the leads, so that everyone is in harmony with the world of the film. There are so many lovely touches, like the character who provides the narration turning off his light in a dark scene, so that he disappears in the frame to let the story continue.

The performances are great, especially Ed Norton's hapless scout leader, for me. Don't come to this if you dislike whimsy, or are unwilling to let the odd "Huh what?" moment slide, but I liked this - it's no Grand Budapest Hotel, but the seeds are there.

Tin Pot


Maybe it still has something relevant to say, maybe it doesn't - it's still an enjoyable watch.

8/10 (for its era)


Über Member
I watched Hardcore Henry earlier.Not a bad film but it takes a bit of getting used to watching the film through the eyes of the main character.6/10 from me.

Tin Pot

I always thought it was a kind of prototype for Jurassic Park. Not a bad film though, be interesting to see what the upcoming series is like

Hmm, it will have to be updated significantly and I'm guessing will play on the "are they people?" And slavery questions.
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