What film did you watch last night?

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Lovely stuff
That London
Rear Window. Watched with my GF who had never seen it before. She loved it, I love it 10/10

Ian A

Über Member
Watched Gone Girl with the wife. Decent enough film o be entertaining, not sure it counts as a chick flick. Fortunately my better half is not a chick flick fan and we have similar taste in films.

Also a repeat watching of Il Mare after more than ten years since we saw it first time around. That would be a chick flick but at the original Korean version is very watchable. Chose that over the English version (The Lakehouse).
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Ian A

Über Member
A generous review. I thought it was total mince!
To be honest I enjoyed that one in guilty pleasure kind of way. Not a guy Ritchie film fan so maybe the fact I haven't sat through all of his other efforts helps.
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I watched Dad's Army on the plane coming back from Orlando.Being a fan of the series,i was a little underwhelmed by it.A film i did like was The Lady in the Van.I watched that on the plane also.


North Shields
Metro Manila - 8/10

Philippine tale of desperation, love, betrayal and sacrifice. The twists are quite obvious, but it's well enough acted and emotionally involving that I really didn't care. Some gorgeous cinematography too, and a subtle but engaging soundtrack.


North Shields
Haywire - 5/10

Brilliant cast let down by generic action/double cross script. The (plentiful) fight scenes were a bit odd, felt like they lacked impact.
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