What film did you watch last night?

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North Shields
Dusk til Dawn, as a precursor to watching the netflix series.
It wasn't as good as I remembered, and no2son was unimpressed. On the up side, it means the series doesn't have as much to live up to.

Seriously, don't bother. The series is absolute pish, especially if you no longer rate the film.


London, UK
I watched a remastered version of the original robocop for nostalgia. I think im going to watch the 'Escape of LA' and 'Escape from NY' as they were set in the same kind of weird era


North Shields
Killing Them Softly - 8/10

Closes with the line "America is not a country, it's a business, now f*ckin pay me." which sums it up very well. Loosely based on Cogan's Trade it uses mafia types as a metaphor for modern America. There are some really outstanding scenes (Ray Liotta's demise was weirdly beautiful) and it is a genuinely thought provoking film.


North Shields
Odd Thomas - 6/10

Strange one this, sort of Sixth Sense meets Mallrats that doesn't quite hang together properly. Entertaining enough but never really grabbed me like I'd hoped. I hadn't realised it was based on a book so I'll be looking that up as I suspect it will add a lot to the story.


Legendary Member
The secret life of Walter Mitty - the (relatively) recent one, with Ben Stiller, co-produced by Ben Stiller and directed by...um...take a wild guess. Kind of interesting, in how little resemblance it bore to the earlier film of the same name, with Danny Kaye, which I remember enjoying as a kid. (Both of them based on a Thurber short story.) In truth, all the films share is that both of them are 'about a guy who day dreams a lot'.

It was actually a lot better than it had any right to be, given how heavily Stillercentric it was, with a sweet and simple central premise - that life is for living - played out with a lot of charm and some pretty good jokes. 7+/10.


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
Batman v Superman
What a pile of tosh. Incoherent meaningless dialogue. Scenes flitted from so many places at the start of the film that even a migratory swallow would be confused about where it was. OK, with science fantasy you are not necessarily expecting something deep and meaningful, but after 40 minutes of planet wrecking and little entertainment, my wife and I decided we had taken enough punishment and abandoned it.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Star Trek Beyond.

Yep, this is the best one yet. Great fun romp, like someone gave the original series $150 million to make an episode. It successfully captures the spirit of the 60's original. Mind boggling SFX, crazy action sequences but also good characterisation that reminds you of why you fell in love with these characters to begin with. May be a standard 'McGuffin' story, but very well made with a ton of fun fan gags suited to a 50th anniversary film. The 'controversial' issue of making Sulu gay is casually handled, as it should be.

Also has fitting tributes in the end credits to both Leonard Nimoy & Anton Yelchin. You don't need to be a Trekkie to enjoy this one. but if you are, it's a hoot^_^
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