What film did you watch last night?

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Picked up Awesome: I F***ing Shot That! in a charity shop for a couple of quid... The Beastie Boys handed out 50 video cameras to audience members to shoot their Madison Square Garden concert. Lots of very shaky cam going on but it's all edited together nicely... and if you like The Beastie Boys, it's a banging set :smile:


North Shields
Picked up Awesome: I F***ing Shot That! in a charity shop for a couple of quid... The Beastie Boys handed out 50 video cameras to audience members to shoot their Madison Square Garden concert. Lots of very shaky cam going on but it's all edited together nicely... and if you like The Beastie Boys, it's a banging set :smile:

Cracking film. RIP, MCA, a hero and a genuine legend.


North Shields
Sliding Doors - 3/10

Rom-com with a hammered in twist to make it a bit interesting. Clichés all over the place. It could only be more 90s and British if Hugh Grant was in it.

I'd never seen this before and watched it because I like John Hannah (and mistakenly thought Faithless had done the soundtrack for some reason), and to be honest he's the only reason to get involved. Gwyneth Paltrow is awful, as is John Lynch.


WAy down under
Finally got round to watching Spectre last night. Not a huge Bond fan but it was ok. However you'd think by now that villains should know the way to dispatch JB is not to approach him from behind and then get into a fist fight that you're not going to win!


Legendary Member
watched first three episodes of the "classic" Doctor Who story "Ambassadors of Death". So far rather good. Pertwee on good form, the Brigadier excellent as always and the lovely and brainy Liz Shaw a much better companion than usual for the often disapointingly sexist Dr Who's of the classic era. Good sense of menace and build up. Not seen this one before as it was a season before my time as it were as I joined in for the later Pertwee era.


Legendary Member
The Philadelphia Story. Just, as good as it gets, with three of my all-time favourite actors - Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn and James Stewart - wringing every last drop out of one of the greatest screenplays ever written. Just flawless. Also featuring one of the best ever performances by a child actor, in the form of one Virginia Weidler, who among other things gives a cracking performance of Lydia, the Tattooed Lady. I've seen it before - more than once - and I will most definitely see it again.

One thing I didn't know till I looked it up on IMDb is "Hepburn wanted Clark Gable to play Dexter Haven and Spencer Tracy to play Mike Connor, but both had other commitments. Grant agreed to play the part on condition that he be given top billing and that his salary would be $137,000, which he donated to the British War Relief Society."

IMDb somehow only arrives at 8.1. I can't see any excuse for anything under 10.
The Philadelphia Story. Just, as good as it gets, with three of my all-time favourite actors - Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn and James Stewart - wringing every last drop out of one of the greatest screenplays ever written. Just flawless. Also featuring one of the best ever performances by a child actor, in the form of one Virginia Weidler, who among other things gives a cracking performance of Lydia, the Tattooed Lady. I've seen it before - more than once - and I will most definitely see it again.

One thing I didn't know till I looked it up on IMDb is "Hepburn wanted Clark Gable to play Dexter Haven and Spencer Tracy to play Mike Connor, but both had other commitments. Grant agreed to play the part on condition that he be given top billing and that his salary would be $137,000, which he donated to the British War Relief Society."

IMDb somehow only arrives at 8.1. I can't see any excuse for anything under 10.
If you haven't seen it, watch His Girl Friday.

(it's useful to know that Grant's real name was Archibald Leach, and Ralph Bellamy plays the the fiancé, or you will miss two jokes)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kpXX501COc
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Legendary Member
If you haven't seen it, watch His Girl Friday.

(it's useful to know that Grant's real name was Archibald Leach, and Ralph Bellamy plays the the fiancé, or you will miss two jokes)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kpXX501COc

Another faultless movie. Which, perhaps oddly, I came to after seeing the Walter Matthau/Jack Lemon remake (The Front Page) which is also a cracker...tho' even those two at their best can't match Grant & Russell. Like Philadelphia Story tho', it is, as my wife said when I mentioned PS to her 'just a load of talking'. If you're not into 'theatrical movies', these old script-driven films probably aren't your cup of tea. Me, I love 'em!
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