What film did you watch last night?

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Cletus Van Damme

Previously known as Cheesney Hawks
Kick Ass - 9/10. I can't get away with super hero films, way too many of them and not my thing. This film is brilliant though, although Kick Ass is no super hero. Just a brilliant film. My second viewing of this film.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Kick Ass - 9/10. I can't get away with super hero films, way too many of them and not my thing. This film is brilliant though, although Kick Ass is no super hero. Just a brilliant film. My second viewing of this film.
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"Pantani - the accidental death of a cyclist"
An interesting documentary though I don't know what you would have made of it if you know nothing about cycling. I'd recommend the Matt Rendall book "The death of Marco Pantani" on which it is based.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
The Raid

(Again). Brilliant, hyper kinetic action/martial arts film about a SWAT team that gets trapped in a high rise populated almost entirely by dangerous criminals. Although the pace, and skill of the action demands the bulk of your attention, it's a film made by someone with an artist's eye - the hands emerging from the darkness when the first guard is disposed of, for instance, is a terrific shot. It has the same genre defining feeling that Ong-Bak did when I first watched that.


North Shields
The Wee Man - 5/10

Scottish gangster effort based on the life and crimes of Paul Ferris. Bit "meh" to be honest, but it does have some great moments and John Hannah is as excellent as you'd expect him to be.

One thing that really hacked me off though was the lack of attention to detail. In one of the opening scenes a guy is wearing a jacket produced a couple of years ago (I know because I have it); if you're going to do a film about the past, do your research properly.


North Shields
The Legend of Barney Thompson - 7/10

Strong debut effort behind the lens by Robert Carlyle (who clearly has a thing for Stanley Kubrick), tells the story of a barber who's mundane life goes hugely mental as he becomes a serial killer by accident. Darkly funny and has an excellent soundtrack, reminded me a bit of the Coen's best efforts.

Carlyle is in it too, as the lead, which I'm never entirely sure about; he's very good but I do wonder about directing yourself - is it supreme arrogance or total confidence in your abilities? I don't think I'll ever decide.


Legendary Member
Tale of Tales - a rather superior film based on Italian fairy tales; think Brothers Grimm, rather than Disney as it's pretty nasty in places, and not a clear moral either

Maybe not quite Pan's Labyrynth, but a fine film all the same, with perfect pace (slow for some maybe) , a superb cast, not least Toby Jones, and Salma Hayek.

Recommended - if you like finely crafted art movies, rather than action
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