What film did you watch last night?

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Legendary Member
Went the pictures on Sunday for the first time in ages and we saw Tarantino's 'Hateful eight' Funnily enough, the last time we went was for a cowboy film as well, 'Sha.....' I mean 'True Grit'.

It's on 70mm film so it's a wiiide screen affair and we really enjoyed it. Great story, terrific acting, great characters, Tim Roth's accent is excellent and Samuel L actually utters the word he's most famous for! What's not to like.

Gets the biggest 6/10 possible from me.


We all scream for ice cream
I watched Inception last night. 8.5/10 for me.


Legendary Member
Blazing Saddles

It's hugely silly, of course, but obviously made by someone who knows the old Westerns it spoofs, and has a great deal of affection for them. There's a real chemistry between Wilder and Little, Slim Pickens is terrific - I could go on and on.

Brooks is a real master of film-making. At one level it's a wonderful, funny and very subversive comedy, but also the impeccable craftsmanship that's gone into it. Young Frankenstein is a joy, the Producers, and in my view his greatest film High Anxiety - a hitchock parody are all fabulous. His masterpiece to output ratio is higher than nearly any other director - maybe topped by Kurosawa , that's how good he is. Bearing in mind he's making films full of fart jokes (which is a tried and tested formula going back to Aristophenes) but still creates real works of art. Even a so-so film like history of the world is good fun, and the opening 2001 parody is pants wettingly funny (look it up on you tube)

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Not to mention...


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Flim Flormally
Elser (released as 13 Minutes in English I believe), an attempt to assassinate Hitler in 1939, directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel of Downfall fame. A touching insight into pre-war Germany and one man's attempt to stop the Nazis. It skillfully avoids sentimentality and cliche with another excellent performance by Christian Friedel (The White Ribbon and Amour Fou). catch it if you can 8/10.
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