What film did you watch last night?

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
I Am A Fugitive From A Chain Gang.... a grim-noir from 1932. I've seen it before and only watched half of it last night as i was checking the quality prior to this evening's 'film night'* ... a man returns home after WWI with dreams of becoming an engineer, but finds himself homeless and destitute, before serving a ten year stretch for 'looking at a hamburger'.... the title says the rest.

It not got the best dialogue, acting or cinematography... but a good enough story with a cracking ending.

7.5/10 :thumbsup:

*the other two films I'm submitting to Film Night are Dark Passage and O Brother Where Art Thou? .... can you spot the theme?
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Über Member
[QUOTE 2932133, member: 25I put off seeing O Brother for years because of all the hype. What a mistake![/quote]
It was probably one of the worst films I've ever seen. My friend on the other hand thinks its one of the best.


[QUOTE 2932133, member: 25I put off seeing O Brother for years because of all the hype. What a mistake!
It was probably one of the worst films I've ever seen. My friend on the other hand thinks its one of the best.[/quote]

The Coen brothers seem to split opinion about their films , not seen this one but Fargo , No Country For Old Men and Inside Llewyn Davis are all great films imo but I found most of their other films to be crap:smile:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Tonight I watched mission impossible IIII. Lots of explosions, car chases, and a gazillion bullets, as well as helicopters. Good film. I really enjoyed it. Good effects and stunts.


Back from watching Robocop,

I felt it didn't really go anywhere, it was more just an excuse for explosions and to put lots of big guns on walking machines. It was enjoyable but I certainly didn't gain anything from it.

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
[QUOTE 2932133, member: 259"]I put off seeing O Brother for years because of all the hype. What a mistake![/quote]
Agreed, I thought it was very good.


Legendary Member
Captain Philips with Tom Hanks. I don't mean Tom Hanks came round or anything! But I am glad I never paid money to see this load of tripe at the pictures. It's essentially a vanity project for the 'security forces' of the USA and made me nauseous and wishing I hadn't chosen this as a way to spend a Saturday night. 6/10.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Well, I've have to finish watching I Am a Fugitive From A Chain Gang another time as the boys voted for Dark Passage (1947) out of my three... I know she's too old for me but that Lauren Bacall is one good looking lady. It's not the best Bogart film, but the first half of the film is all shot in the first person, so it's almost like playing one of those newfangled video games until a back street plastic surgeon turns the protagonist into Humphrey Bogart and the camera finally turns on him.

The other two were Wake in Fright (1971) set in a remote Australian mining town where one can't refuse a beer (lots of kangaroos were harmed during the making of this film)... and White Lightnin' (2009), the story of an Appalachian boy-man who has a wonderful time sniffing petrol fumes, self harming and tap dancing his way through a downward spiral of self destruction. On the upside, he does get shag Princess Leia on his way down.

If you enjoy watching films that were never intended to break any box office records, then i can recommend both Wake in Fright and White Lightin'... but i can't guarantee that you'll want to watch them a 2nd time. Dark Passage gets high marks simply for its ingenious camera work in the first half of the film... after that it just meanders towards its predictable ending.
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