What film did you watch last night?

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Do not touch suspicious objects
I've been watching season 2 of Lexx, and it continues to be very, very strange, but also very entertaining.
I saw that when it was first broadcast and it was so strange I couldn't stop watching it. How the producers were coherent enough to actually complete one series is beyond me!


Here for rides.
RUSH. Brilliant.

and Signs later on. Must have seen it 10 times and never tire of it.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Citizen Kane - third attempt, third failure :wacko: That's it, it's gone to a charity shop near you, perhaps.

Bad enough the 15 minutes of fake documentary at the start, with the shouty voiceover. The film itself generates no interest, I don't really care about any of the characters or why the guy said 'Rosebud' as he died.

Wikipedia says;

"Often considered by critics, filmmakers and fans to be the greatest film ever made, Citizen Kane was voted the greatest film of all time in five consecutive Sight & Sound's polls of critics, until it was displaced by Vertigo in the 2012 poll. It topped the American Film Institute's 100 Years ... 100 Movies list in 1998, as well as the AFI's 2007 update. Citizen Kane is particularly praised for its innovative cinematography, music, and narrative structure."

What are those critics on?

It's now second on my list of the worst, most-hyped movies of all time, after Run Lola, Run
on the off chance you invite me to a film night... i'm not coming.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
What do you think of it then?

i can praise Citzen Kane for its innovative cinematography.... but as a film as a whole, it's overlong and quite tedious. One has to bear in mind that most films of its time were short and dreadfully shot, poorly scripted, badly acted, etc... in the context of when it was made, it's considered a work of genius... bit like Metropolis; a work of genius but awful to watch, yet that too inspired countless film makers.

Love Run Lola Run though... and that's why I'm not coming :angry: ... that's my 'you don't like the same film as me' anger face

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Alex H

Legendary Member
i can praise Citzen Kane for its innovative cinematography.... but as a film as a whole, it's overlong and quite tedious. One has to bear in mind that most films of its time were short and dreadfully shot, poorly scripted, badly acted, etc... in the context of when it was made, it's considered a work of genius... bit like Metropolis; a work of genius but awful to watch, yet that too inspired countless film makers.

Love Run Lola Run though... and that's why I'm not coming :smile:

No problem, I try to remember not to invite you ^_^

The Jogger

Legendary Member
Just watched "Salmon fishing in the Yemen" easy Saturday watching.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Just watched oblivion with Tom Cruise. Not bad, but it was a bit long. Worth watching, if only as a way to wile away a couple of hours.

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
I saw a film called I give it a year - not my choice. Romantic comedies are ok, but I think they are better if not crude.
Then we saw Kick Ass 2 which I thought was a lot better than the reviews said.


Midlands UK
The Truman Show. I don't like Jim Carrey so i avoided this film when it came out, however it did get really good reviews. A couple of years ago when TVC was out for the evening I watched some of the film and was impressed by Carrey. The film was on a couple of weeks ago so we recorded it and watched it last night. A really good film, deep and poignant, Carrey was a revelation, although I still can't watch him in anything else, the OTT manic, gurning thing really doesn't work for me.
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