What film did you watch last night?

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Escape Plan with Sly and Arnie , I made my escape half way through

Cletus Van Damme

Previously known as Cheesney Hawks
Ah, now, I liked that one - a real "feel good" movie. Besides it was worth taking my mother-in-law to see it at the cinema because when Pierce Brosnan started singing to Meryl Streep my MIL quite literally howled with laughter and couldn't stop for about five minutes, total giggle-fit that had everyone in the place craning round to see what was wrong with the poor woman at the back. :biggrin:

Sounds like a fun trip. Still pleased I never saw it at the cinema though, lol.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Spacefight IC-1... a b-grade sci-fi from 1965, set in the near future, 2015... the best bit is the bloke with his head in a goldfish bowl.

Just watched 12 Years a slave.............I wont spoil it for anyone


Its not the kind of film I go for, as I was expecting a Roots reborn kind of thing, it isn't anything like it.

Very powerful, emotional, moving film.
Very truthful of how our ...............well watch it and see.

Fantastic film


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
Watched The Conversation last night, a F Ford Coppola film from the mid 70s, Gene Hackman in the starring role. Very slow paced piece of work, terrific film. Although nominated for best film at the Oscars it didn't win, Godfather II won, directed by...
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