No truth handler you!
Not sure I'm familiar with that bit ???
No truth handler you!
I wondered about Elba's accent too, given the multi-national cast (most of who seemed to have kept their accents). Maybe he wanted to do it, and Ridley said "Sure, why not?"What was Iris Elba's accent all about? I didnt watch the film to the end, but I think I was very tired. I will give it another go.
Just for Charlize Theron alone.For all its faults (and there are many) Prometheus is a gorgeous looking film.
first time i saw Gattaca i thought it was awesome... second time i thought it was great... then I replaced my old VHS with the DVD a year or two ago and thought 'what a pile of sh!te', and promptly sent it to a charity shop.Gattaca, after an enthusiastic review somewhere upthread. More than a bit underwhelmed - 6/10 maybe? And I think that's me being polite.
One could argue, that the scene in your spoiler, was lifted straight out of one of Weedon's earlier works... Buffy the Vampire Slayer.Cabin in the Woods is brilliant, and a refreshingly original look at horror in a field of mindless remakes.
How many of the monsters did you recognise when it all went horribly wrong? Apparently all of them are from other horror films. Also, I thought it was great that Hadley got to see a merman.
One could argue, that the scene in your spoiler, was lifted straight out of one of Weedon's earlier works... Buffy the Vampire fact, towards the end, it simply exits the realm of horror and enters the Buffy-verse.
Great film, although it's hard to feel much sympathy for anyone featured.Margin Call - tight, compelling, riveting portrayal of a 100 year old megamoney City institution on the brink of the abyss. Sort of a Wall Street Glengarry Glen Ross, with Kevin Costner and Jeremy Irons at the top of their game.
Heehee. this review makes me want to watch Wayward Pines! I loved Twin Peaks and Lost :-)Not a film, but a new series on Fox called Wayward Pines. i have watched quite a few series that were a complete waste of time like twin peaks, and lost. At the end of both, you were no wiser than when the first episode aired.
Wayward Pines is going to be another Twin Peaks. It starts with 2 special agents being in a car accident with a truck. One agent wakes up in a hospital bruised and battered. His nurse refuses to tell him anything. There is the first clue. He dischagres himself from hospital and wanders into a bar/restaurant, where a waitress gives him a drink and some food, then writes her address on a piece of paper for him and tells him if he needs help, he can come to her house.
He does, and when he gets there, he finds that her home hasn't been lived in for decades. Its falling down. When he enters a bedroom, he finds a body tied to the bed. It's his partner and it looks like he has been dead for a long time. All this in the first (and last) twenty minutes for me.
this series is going to be as weird as twin peaks and lost. It's either going to end after the first series because everyone has lost the will to live and have stopped watching it, or it will go on and
On with no ending.
I for one won't be watching it. It would mean hours of my life wasted.