What film did you watch last night?

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The Raid . was told it is better than Dredd but they where wrong .


It's a bit more complicated than that...
Philomena at the cinema - seriously impressed both by the film and the experience. It's been a long time since we went to the flicks and the digital sound and projection was very good.

Then Saturday's Doctor Who at home. Loved Tom Baker!


Über Member
New Forest
Before Midnight. As before brilliantly written and acted, but far less 'feel good' than the first two parts. The next episode in nine years time should be interesting.
Im glad someone else likes these films , I been tarnished by some as noodle , by liking them .:smile:


Rather tragically I just watched A Bridge Too Far. Just as I remember it. Star-packed and strangely wooden. But ok, in that olde-worlde trash movie sort of way.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I watched about 3 minutes of Machete ... It was bad enough watching a psychotic cop chopping baddies to bits with the aforementioned weapon, but when the naked woman he'd rescued stuck it through his leg and then extracted a phone from her nether regions to report that she had captured him, I began to suspect that even my low standards were not being met! The appearance of Steven Seagal faking a very dodgy accent was confirmation and I zapped the recording just as the naked woman got shot as reward for her cooperation! :laugh:

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
I watched a few more episodes of The Vampire Diaries season 4. Yes, I know, you're thinking "he's watching teen vampire flicks", but these series actually have some decent plots, and (sigh) Nina Dobrev makes vampires look so good :blush:
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