What film did you watch last night?

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Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
I thought gravity was awful. It consisted of sandra bullock going round and round making stupid noises. The end.
Agree 100%. The cinematography was amazing, but the plot had holes in it big enough to fly a space shuttle through. I was embarrassed for the people responsible for making that bilge........ and then it goes and gets nominated for every award going... ?????!!!!


North Shields
Agree 100%. The cinematography was amazing, but the plot had holes in it big enough to fly a space shuttle through. I was embarrassed for the people responsible for making that bilge........ and then it goes and gets nominated for every award going... ?????!!!!

The only Oscar it won that I disagree with was Best Director, but then I think the Academy realised that Cuaron deserved one for Children of Men but was over-looked.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Saw Fury yesterday with the missus. TBH I had already been expecting it to be a gung ho, shoot 'em up action flick anyway, and there is nothing wrong with that every now and again. I had been looking forward to it for months, since I first heard it was being made. Having seen some reviews, I was expecting the worst, though, as everyone was ridiculing the plot.

Personally, I thought as a gung ho, shoot 'em up action flick it was a pretty good gung ho, shoot 'em up action flick - gritty, and for the most part as realistic and right-in-the-middle-of-it as the battle scenes in Saving Private Ryan. Some elements of tank warfare, (judging by many things I have read on the subject), were represented quite accurately, and the film played well on your feelings of claustrophobia. As to the plot, it's a shame that, in the final scenes, the SS were portrayed as having no idea how to attack a tank other than by repeated full-on infantry charges similar to those deployed by the Zulus at Rorke's Drift. Oh, Hollywood, why must you always do this?

My main problem with the film was that I was left having no idea who was supposed to be good or bad by the end of the film, and ended up not really liking anyone. Hero characters carried out attrocious acts, but you were apparently supposed to change your opinions of them later based on the flimsiest of pretexts or the smallest glimpses of humanity in their nature. Neither I nor my wife have any idea what we were supposed to be feeling by the end, but it was a good rip-snorting action movie that kept us on the edge of our seats. 7/10.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
The last boy scout with bruce willis. To be honest ever since I saw him on the one show, making a complete @rse of himself I can't bear to look at him or hear him, but it is a good film. Gory bits, funny bits, and blow the cr@p out of stuff bits. Great combination.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Back to the Future part 1.
It was great!
the whole trilogy is quite possibly thee greatest time travel film(s) of all time. A lot of people knock pt III but that, to me, is the much needed light relief after a very intense pt II... and Doc's time travelling 'steam' train at the end more than compensates for ZZ Top.

saying that, I watched Time Crimes a couple of months ago... which i reckon is a very close second.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Ha! That's a pretty good description.

Personally I don't think it was awful, just your average space movie with some clever special effects. By the end, the metaphors were about as subtle as a brick in the face which was pretty annoying.
What impressed me about Gravity is the fact it was just an average space movie instead of one of the many films that tries too hard to be a complicated space movie and fails miserably. Most of my favourite sci-fi movies have a very simple story going on in extraordinary circumstances... they could have tried to turn Gravity in to something so much more than a lone astronaut trying to get back to earth by means other than freefall, and I for one am glad they didn't. But Yes, Welsh Dragon's synopsis is bang on :smile:


North Shields
Starship Troopers


Satirical, critical and hugely underrated. If films could fight, I'd pit Starship Troopers and Total Recall against each other to decide which was Verhoeven's greatest. RoboCop would be allowed a shot at the champion. Hollowman would be allowed ringside seats out of sympathy.
Starship Troopers


Satirical, critical and hugely underrated. If films could fight, I'd pit Starship Troopers and Total Recall against each other to decide which was Verhoeven's greatest. RoboCop would be allowed a shot at the champion. Hollowman would be allowed ringside seats out of sympathy.
I really liked that one, must watch it again sometime. :smile:


Legendary Member
Saw Interstellar last night, most boring film I have seen in years and made absolutely no sense whatsoever :tired:. I loved Gravity though!


Evidence based cyclist
Starship Troopers


Satirical, critical and hugely underrated. If films could fight, I'd pit Starship Troopers and Total Recall against each other to decide which was Verhoeven's greatest. RoboCop would be allowed a shot at the champion. Hollowman would be allowed ringside seats out of sympathy.

I love Starship Troopers, although I felt it could have made a few more satirical digs at the authoritarian society.


Mr Turner. Ravishingly beautiful, as befits its subject, and featuring wonderful performances by all, particularly (inevitably) Timothy Spall, who turns in the tour de force of his career, yet I'm not entirely convinced it really hangs together as 'a movie'. It's almost more of a docu-drama. Very episodic, with a succession of scenes, probably a third of which could have been cut without in any way affecting the central flow of the film, but no real sense of 'a story', as such. Just this happened, then this happened, then this happened, then he died, The End. Still, I still enjoyed it enormously, which I guess is the point - or at least 'a' point.

Cletus Van Damme

Previously known as Cheesney Hawks
Starship Troopers


Satirical, critical and hugely underrated. If films could fight, I'd pit Starship Troopers and Total Recall against each other to decide which was Verhoeven's greatest. RoboCop would be allowed a shot at the champion. Hollowman would be allowed ringside seats out of sympathy.

Great film, better than Total Recall just IMVHO. When Starship Troopers was made (1997) the special effects were top-notch, still are. Robocop was class too, if not a bit too violent, the re-make was pretty lame compared to the original, but that's nothing new.
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