What film did you watch last night?

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Well-Known Member
Tomorrow Never Dies. Quite fun, tho' some of the punning was even more sub-Fnaar than usual. eg:

M: You'll have to get her on her own and then pump her for information.
Moneypenny: You'll have to decide how much pumping is required, James.

Hmmm, a single-entendre...


Hmmm, a single-entendre...
He does like to give 'em one.

Deleted member 23692

Genuine class. I could watch that again and again and again and again.

And again.

And... again!
Well hold your breath - Richard Gale is planning a full length movie funded via kickstarter. It'd going to tell the story of Ginosaji rather than just be the same thing again and again and again and again................

More Ginosaji gold here - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3E529A735D626B46

Cletus Van Damme

Previously known as Cheesney Hawks
Edge Of Tomorrow - Tom Cruise in an alien invasion carry on, actually very good. The effects were simply jaw dropping, really wish I had watched this at the cinema. Wasn't just effects though was a good film, the ending was a bit run of the mill for this kind of film but all the same a rare decent action, sci-fi film. I don't care for Cruise in regular films but sci-fi he is ok, this and Oblivion and Minority Report were all pretty good. 8/10

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
If anyone's interested, "Drums Along the Mohawk" is entertaining enough, but be prepared to say "it was a different time, we can't judge them by today's standards" to yourself. Quite a lot.


Über Member
Not my favourite of the series by any stretch and I agree the additions were not needed especially the red head elf wench but still loved it. Can't wait for the new one.
Utterly appalling may be a bit harsh, but the hobbit films are over long and have ridiculous additions to the book. Jackson has taken a slender, light hearted short story and bloated it into the mess you see on the screen.

When you can read the source material quicker than watch the film, something has gone badly, badly wrong.


North Shields
Not my favourite of the series by any stretch and I agree the additions were not needed especially the red head elf wench but still loved it. Can't wait for the new one.

He's only got about 50 pages of book left. If he can get 3 hours of film out that I'll be amazed. I sincerely hope there aren't any plans to make a Silmarillion series. Not only is the book terrible, it's got 5 parts!


Über Member
Glad I'm not the only one - my mum bought me the silmarillion when I was a kid after reading all the others in a couple of weeks, think I made it to about page 20 before I thought "what....?" I've not picked it up since.
He's only got about 50 pages of book left. If he can get 3 hours of film out that I'll be amazed. I sincerely hope there aren't any plans to make a Silmarillion series. Not only is the book terrible, it's got 5 parts!
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