What film did you watch last night?

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The Fifth Element. I'm still none the wiser.
Never seen it, but I've read 'The Fifth Elephant':angel:


Tomorrow Never Dies. Quite fun, tho' some of the punning was even more sub-Fnaar than usual. eg:

M: You'll have to get her on her own and then pump her for information.
Moneypenny: You'll have to decide how much pumping is required, James.
Tried to watch A Million Ways to Die in the West but was too tired to see more than a third of it.

Might give it another go, but not in the near future.


Pride. Every bit as good as everyone says it is. In the same vein as Billy Elliot, Brassed Off, The Full Monte....but better. Can't remember when I enjoyed a film so much.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist

About the 1988 plebiscite in Chile, on the question of whether Pinochet should stay in power for another 8 years. Shot as though it were a contemporary documentary, and really good. Unfortunately, my DVR cut out at 2/3s in, so this is one I've be getting hold of to watch the remainder.

For something a little lighter, I'm watching "Drums Along the Mohawk" this morning.
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