What film did you watch last night?

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Sucker Punch.Great film and oh my,does`nt baby doll look fit in that school uniform.:smooch:
You're the only person I've ever heard put the phrases Sucker Punch and Great film together... everyone I know who's seen it has an opinion, and it ain't that one.

A BBC TV movie for me last night... the 2006 remake of A for Andromeda (originally 1961, but that's all but lost for ever). It could be argued the Contact (jodie foster & mathhew mcconohenonoghehy) is also a remake of A for Andromeda, but it's more that they just borrowed the premise of the plot from it. Enjoyable enough for a TV movie and a good sci-fi story.... and being a geek I'll be watching the Italian version from 1972 (A come Andromeda) before long.


One of the 64K
Sucker Punch has a lot going for it, but I'll agree it's a bit of an acquired taste. Saw it in the cinema with my normal film watching buddy and we were both a bit shell shocked at the end. A bit like an extreme roller coaster ride. Second watch was at home on DVD and I don't regret owning it. Proper beard stroking film club stuff though.

Also watched Hobo with a Shotgun yesterday, unashamed grind house, which I'm not sure is a recommendation. Sure it covered some of Rutgers mortgage payments though :-)


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
To me it seemed like Sucker Punch started out with a handful of excellent GCI fight/battle sequences, and then they haphazardly strung them into a daft plot written by an adolescent male that encompassed his dodgy sexual fantasies and possible emo leanings, all wrapped up in 12A packet. ...oh, and then it tries and fails to be really really deep at the end.
That's my take on it anyway :smile:

edit... on the other hand, I thought Hobo With a Shotgun was a lot of fun, and one of Rutger's finer moments. :blush:


One of the 64K
edit... on the other hand, I thought Hobo With a Shotgun was a lot of fun, and one of Rutger's finer moments. :blush:
We discussed turning it off as it was on the PVR but didn't, largely to see what they came up with next.

Sucker Punch is either really clever, or a stupid adolescent fantasy and there is the danger that you are being fooled by thinking the former. I'm fairly sure we rewatched it with the commentary track on and decided it was actually succeeding at being layered and clever, but it's a close run thing. I think it stands a good chance of ending up a cult classic though.


North Shields
Sucker Punch suffered a lot from being poorly advertised IMO. I've seen a couple of films which have been dressed up wrong and are spoiled because on first viewing you're sitting there going WTF is this?!

Personally I think it's great, and very clever, but it does take a few viewings to get your head around. Also worth noting that if you need your hand held through a story, it's not for you.


I started watching Frankenhooker on the horror channel earlier, I think I did well to stick it out for five minutes even considering the subject matter.


Hard Candy. A really quite disturbing film which belies its sub-$1million budget and interestingly divides contributors on IMDB into two starkly divided views: I don't think I've ever seen a film get so many 1 star and so many 10 star reviews.


Well-Known Member
Robot and Frank... ok, touching film, unusual premise... watched with the missus and we both enjoyed it.. without desperately wanting to watch it again... 7/10.


North Shields
I've not watched a film for a while, but was sent this rather accurate diagram earlier:

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