What’s your fastest recorded speed…

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48mph coming down from Mam Nick into Chapel-en-le-Frith in 2016, on a 1974 Bianchi with suicide levers, one of which started to undo itself mid-ride ^_^


North Shields
68 mph / 110 kph depending on your metric.

Down The Ryals in Northumberland. I was vaguely terrified.

Riding back up was even less fun.


As more of an MTB-er, my top speed has never been the major concern. Although I did record 48mph coming down into Brighton while on the London-to-Brighton bike ride many, many years ago. But that was based on calculating wheel size and feeding that figure into a computer, so not sure how accurate that is.

Fastest verified recorded on Strava is 44.4 mph on My Brompton. Coming down Marlow hill in High Wycombe.

Do it three times a week as part of my commute. Although, you can knock 40mph off that speed on my way back up at night.

This was one of the slower ones - where I just topped out at over 40mph. Appalling video quality. Small wheels plus a lo-o-o-ong stem Makes for loads of vibrations.

Normally hit top speed on the middle part (steepest).

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wNkVZltMfw
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Senior Member
I never check but I do record the rides on RWGPS for checking later. Apparently it was 52mph on a MTB coming down from Molls Gap to Killarney. Lovely quiet road with the additional benefit of being fuelled up on Barry's Tea before I started the descent.


PS for our American friends. Try Ireland for cycling. Green, pleasant, great food and interesting places to visit. You'll get a warm welcome and everyone will try to convince you that you have an Irish heritage somewhere in your family tree - even if you name is Shostakovich.
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Last night came down into oxenhope and a motorbike was following so I gave it the beans through the hairpin and following bends till I hit the flat,
After which the motorcyclist pulled along side and said you were going some I could hardly keep up👍🤣


42mph was my long-term highest; pedalling like a mentalist on the old Giant down Headington hill. More recently I think I've exceeded this by a few mph.

My appetite for speed has waned in recent years through a combination of the fear of the repercussions if I came off (especially given how crap road surfaces typically are now) plus the lack of botheration to pedal furiously to gain just a few mph.

Had something north of 30 on the Brompton a while ago, which was.... "interesting".

There's a video of a guy caning it on his Brompton coming down Alpe D'Huez 😮😎


47mph, coming off Fleet Moss into Hawes. The hill was good for more if I'd let go of the brakes, but one good bump would have sent me over the Armco and down the fellside.

The fastest I've freewheeled on the level with a tail wind was 18mph along Hoylake prom.
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