What’s your fastest recorded speed…

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I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Commute on 18th June...

Commute on 12th June!


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I think I managed 36mph down Broomfield Hill in Richmond Park. I was terrified because the road is quite bendy and narrow and sometimes has loose grit.
@Aperatif ( late of this Parish ) had an interesting opinion when we discussed tripping the speed camera down the hill into Brighton at the end of an FNRttC. "If you come off, it doesn't make any difference pain-wise if you're going 35 mph or 55 mph".

I just don't have that Zen approach.


South Wales
Probably somewhere in the mid 40's, but not sure exactly.

I hit 41mph on tonight's ride
Doing 40 mph + I put the brakes on to brake for the dynley arms pub jnc nothing I hadn't put both straddle cables back on the cross bike. Thankfully had touring shoes so had to do a schoolboy brake, managed to stop just in time.
Rode like MVP today for rest of season!!

When you have built the wheels your riding on it concentrates the mind!🤣

Might not have happened with hydro disc brakes?


Back in the early eighties, a mate on a motorbike drew up next to me and said I was doing 50 something mph (can't remember exactly what he said). In the 90s I regularly hit 40+mph as reported by my Cateye Tomo (set up with a measured rolling circumference).

In more recent times, nothing like that. A couple of years ago, 42mph, pedalling downhill. I usually don't pedal that hill and max at about 32mph. I reach low 30s frequently - all downhill (North Warks).

That being said, I'm very much a slow roller who crawls up hills in very low gears and usually only averages speeds of about 10-12 mph. I used to enjoy a short sprint but less so as each year goes by :smile:
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