What’s your fastest recorded speed…

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Nudged over 60mph coming down Mount Tiede nearly a decade ago.


Leg End Member
I always find it sounds faster in kmh. You did 5 kmh...showoff.
If it weren't for that headwind, who knows what'd have been possible.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
42mph was my long-term highest; pedalling like a mentalist on the old Giant down Headington hill. More recently I think I've exceeded this by a few mph.

My appetite for speed has waned in recent years through a combination of the fear of the repercussions if I came off (especially given how crap road surfaces typically are now) plus the lack of botheration to pedal furiously to gain just a few mph.

Had something north of 30 on the Brompton a while ago, which was.... "interesting".

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Fastest speed I have ever recorded is 56mph dropping off the Snake Pass towards Glossop with a tailwind. Got to 56mph then just coasted at the same speed for a long, long way :becool:

Have matched and got very close a few times since but struggling to beat that despite some spirited attempts in favourable conditions.

No fear of going 60+, but safety conscious so conditions have to be right, definitely not max speed at any cost!

I think my 56mph is recorded on Strava but can't find it right now.....

Big T

I regularly get into the mid to high 40’s mph when coming down off the Belvoir escarpment, and that’s without pedalling.


62mph in 2012 dropping into Otley.

These days, post a few downhill crashes, I rarely exceed 35mph.

Doing 40 mph + I put the brakes on to brake for the dynley arms pub jnc nothing I hadn't put both straddle cables back on the cross bike. Thankfully had touring shoes so had to do a schoolboy brake, managed to stop just in time.
Rode like MVP today for rest of season!!

When you have built the wheels your riding on it concentrates the mind!🤣
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