Vuelta - **SPOILER**

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Wiggins 38x32

That explains a bit. So maybe a bit of a mistake on gear selection back at the office. Wiggins was clearly struggling on the steeper stuff.

On the other hand Cobbo (on 34x32) did look comparatively relaxed and fresh (on other forums it seems some are convinced he had some cow in his bidons on that basis alone) but there was a big difference in gearing so I guess that might explain it.


When i watched the highlights last nite, I thought Sky had made a mistake with the gearing.


Active Member
When i watched the highlights last nite, I thought Sky had made a mistake with the gearing.

I noticed that Wiggins was the only one still in his saddle, even when he looked like stalling. Would a dodgy collar bone explain this? It's only 8 weeks since it was broken.


I noticed that Wiggins was the only one still in his saddle, even when he looked like stalling. Would a dodgy collar bone explain this?
Doubt it. Shouldn't think he'd be even starting a three week GT if he couldn't stand up out of the saddle.


I noticed that Wiggins was the only one still in his saddle, even when he looked like stalling. Would a dodgy collar bone explain this? It's only 8 weeks since it was broken.
He has been out the saddle plenty, this time I think he was jiggered, or as Sean Kelly liked to say "coooked".


Über Member
Its difficult to stay balanced when its that steep, sit too far back and the front wheel lifts, get out of the saddle and rear looses traction. The collar bone might not have helped, I broke mine 6 weeks ago and this weekend was the first time out, it felt pretty good, I only felt it when I was out of the saddle and that was on very easy slopes. So maybe that was a factor for Wiggo.

Great rides by Froome and Wiggo either way. Here's hoping for some crazy breakaway tactics and cross winds!
You think Nibali is thinking the same as us:-

Nibali admitted that he was surprised by Cobo’s display on the Angliru, which leaves him in the overall lead with just six stages to go. “Yes, he hasn’t ridden like that since the Tour stage at Hautacam in 2008,” Nibali said. On that occasion, Cobo finished in second place, just behind Saunier Duval teammate Leonardo Piepoli, who subsequently tested positive for CERA.

Quite from Cycling News.
rich p

rich p

ridiculous old lush
You think Nibali is thinking the same as us:-

Nibali admitted that he was surprised by Cobo’s display on the Angliru, which leaves him in the overall lead with just six stages to go. “Yes, he hasn’t ridden like that since the Tour stage at Hautacam in 2008,” Nibali said. On that occasion, Cobo finished in second place, just behind Saunier Duval teammate Leonardo Piepoli, who subsequently tested positive for CERA.

Quite from Cycling News.

Quote so, Crax!

What always amazes me when riders like Ricco, Vino, Piepoli, Sella, Basso etc do these 'unbelievable' rides that they don't even pretend to make it look like hard work. If I was doped up enough to ride away from everyone else I'd at least grimace and gurn a bit.
It's early, my fingers got muxed ip.

Edit: Can't even type that right


I saw that Nibs quote too. And as we've already hinted, Cobo looked so fresh at the finish, like he'd been on a club run, when everyone else was completely wasted at the end. Oh well, we either like it or lump it, eh?


I saw that Nibs quote too. And as we've already hinted, Cobo looked so fresh at the finish, like he'd been on a club run, when everyone else was completely wasted at the end. Oh well, we either like it or lump it, eh?

I think the Vuelta is now the only GT where you can get away with this. The thing is that everyone knows the Spanish scene is dodgy - how can they continue to play by different rules than everyone else?


I think the Vuelta is now the only GT where you can get away with this. The thing is that everyone knows the Spanish scene is dodgy - how can they continue to play by different rules than everyone else?

Like throwing a camera bike to the floor in front of the wiggo froome group ! :biggrin:


You know, I've been looking in more detail at the final few stages, and I am not at all sure that Cobo has this sewn up after all. All of the stages with the exception of today and the final day, have the potential for serious attacks to be launched, and if Wiggins or Froome or Moelema have enough left, have the right support and team tactical awareness, any one of them could take Cobo (assuming he isn't artificially aided) - particularly because the Vuelta has time bonuses at the finish, so a twenty second lead on the day is effectively doubled. I reckon stage 17 and stage 20 offer the most opportunities. Mind you, they could all also lose more time to Cobo if he really is unstoppable shape...

This ain't over yet.
They were just talking about the time bonuses. Not sure how I feel about time bonuses. You could argue they animate the race but then the first three will be the first three by dint of wanting to anyway and they do skew it. Without them, Froome would be first, Cobo, then Wiggins.


Dog on a bike
Is it just me having problems with today? I have to refresh the screen everytime there's an ad break otherwise it just doesn't restart.
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