Vuelta - **SPOILER**

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Fantastic finish today - roundabout 500yds from finish with both sides left open but only one side goes to the finish!

You can guess what happened!
Grr, my stream cut out (Damn Virgin\ITV4) during the highlights and I missed the roundabout finish


it really pissss me off all this talk of what, their all at it....if wiggins had flown up that hill, then rode back to the start and did it all again, nobody would have mentioned drugs, when found quilty, then we can say cheating basstard, untill then, lets say great ride, great race, great la vuelta a espana...........:wacko:

No, they are not 'all at it' or at least not so blatantly as in the past. If you knew more about the recent history of cycling, you'd know exactly why Cobo is regarded with more than a little suspicion. But that's all it is - nobody is actually saying what you are claiming. Wiggins has had his doubters too, such that he actually published his biological passport readings openly, and no doubt Froome's rise is causing some people some concern, though if you look at his progression, it looks fairly normal.


Über Member
You know, I've been looking in more detail at the final few stages, and I am not at all sure that Cobo has this sewn up after all. All of the stages with the exception of today and the final day, have the potential for serious attacks to be launched, and if Wiggins or Froome or Moelema have enough left, have the right support and team tactical awareness, any one of them could take Cobo (assuming he isn't artificially aided) - particularly because the Vuelta has time bonuses at the finish, so a twenty second lead on the day is effectively doubled. I reckon stage 17 and stage 20 offer the most opportunities. Mind you, they could all also lose more time to Cobo if he really is unstoppable shape...

This ain't over yet.

Yeah me too. Friggins could strike again... or should I say Froogins now?


New Member
Jill Douglas does a waaaay better job as a presenter than Ned does, however the whole presentation has improved since the first few days.

I was hoping Wiggins would win as that would be an incentive for them to show it again next year and maybe even spend a little more on it.

Anyway, it's better than nothing as I don't have Eurosport.

I should think that Cobo would be able to defend that lead now, his team look fairly strong still and apart from Wiggins and Froom Sky don't seem to have a lot of firepower left. One of the two is going to have to sacrifice himself tomorrow if they are going to take some time and, as we saw with the sulk bros v Evans in the tour, even a long break from one of them may not be enough.

Another good Vuelta though.


Lets cut Cobo some slack shall we ? He s got 2 grand tour winners in the team yet he s the designated leader. He was allways going to be their danger man. Menchov and Sastre have probably got more nonce about winning a 3 week tour than the whole of the sky setup or any other team in the Vuelta.

This has been the Geox target all season after no invite to the TDF, and why would nt be ? 2 top spanish riders and a twice past winner. Are you all really that surprised or is it just sour grapes or skeletons in the closset.

Maybe Cobo was as peeved about the Saunier Duval episode as others maybe not.
Maybe he does dope maybe not but untill somethings proved..... Im actually more suspicous of Froome myself but hey ho. He s a brit and not one of these dirty spaniards isn t he.

Cobo has lightly raced this year and has prepared solely for this race.

Cheer up lads Wiggo or Froome could still do it, and Cobo would drift into the mists of time. :biggrin:
I'm afraid I'll stay cycnical if you don't mind. I can just remember watching racing pre EPO days and this years tour was the first racing I've seen in a decade or more which reminded me of it. I'm still of the Boardman view. If it looks unbelievable it probably is. If I see Cobo suffering or having a bad day, I'll think differently. Wiggins and Froome are both riding within the bounds of credibility, maybe Cobo is too, we'll see.

In the meantime, today and tomorrow are two interesting stages. I hope Sky take it up.


Froome s TT performance looked unbelievable ?

After the days before efforts, to get to within nearly a minute of martin who d been resting up solely for that stage. He s good but he ain t that good !

Maybe he s been training at alittude in Kenya or there is something in the water :whistle:
Froome was good in the past, he's still developing. Look at his Palmares, it shows the promise he's now fulfilling. So far this just looks like progression.


Froome was good in the past, he's still developing. Look at his Palmares, it shows the promise he's now fulfilling. So far this just looks like progression.

...and only lightly raced this year ? As many of the Geox squad have. Wiggo really hasnt done much since the Dauphine either. Is it really surprising the top of the leader looks as it does ?


...and only lightly raced this year ? As many of the Geox squad have. Wiggo really hasnt done much since the Dauphine either. Is it really surprising the top of the leader looks as it does ?

Not at all. However, there was something about the utter ease with which Cobo danced away from the rest that just reminded me of similarly unbelievable performances past. Nothing to do with who he overtook at the top. I'd love to think it was great climbing, in fact as a climber myself there's nothing I'd like better, but I just find it hard it somewhat suspicious.
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