True Facts About Chris Rea

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Über Member
Chris Rea has an eclectic collection of toe nail clippings, some dating back to when his 19,......where this going I don't know, but someone will make something on of it........cheesy feet likely!


Kilometre nibbler
Chris Rea has an electric collection of toenail clippers, some dating back to the 1960s when the electric toenail clipper was first invented.


Priest of the cult of Chris Rea
Leafy Surrey
Every time Chris Rea has an NHS healthcheck, the GP notices severe ulceration of CR's mouth.

Swabs have failed to identify any infectious agent, but a lab consultant is convinced the explanation is a brand new bacteria, previously not known to science.

Chris Rea actually knows the real cause of the ulcers but is too embarrassed to admit they are simply the effect of his pineapple chunks addiction.


Über Member
Chris wonders what Lewis Collins would do ,if his TURDIS broke down every five minutes?
Hang on it's a time machine, it don't matter, as long as it works

slow horse

Well-Known Member
Chris Rea was going to be best man at my wedding, but we fell out over some money he owed me (I'm normally the forgiving sort – it's hard when you watch someone plead poverty then start buying pints for everybody). This was before he made it big. Now he sarcastically sends me a pound every year on my anniversary.


Kilometre nibbler
Chris Rea sabotaged Remco's power meter
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