True Facts About Chris Rea

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Legendary Member
Chris Rea and Brian Johnson, despite their similar age, north-east backgrounds and love of fast cars, are sworn enemies. This apparently dates from the time that Chris brought Brian a pint of Newcastle Brown in a thin glass.


West Yorks
Chris Rea recently went back to Lindisfarne in early 793, however his flux capacitor was still misfiring, creating sparks, flames and whirlwinds, so he came back to modern day Middlesbrough to effect repairs in his shed, once satisfied he set the time for 8th June 793, he was just over the North Sea near Lindisfarne and the huge waves and winds created by his appearance pushed several ships off course and onto the island, the Nordic sailors were outraged by this and ran ashore in search of compensation, the monks couldn’t understand what they had done to deserve this pillaging and ransacking, so the events were written down for posterity, it’s really true!


Legendary Member
The wake caused by Chris Rea speeding towards the past was responsible for the storm that dispersed the Spanish Armada. In order to maintain his cover he allowed Francis "couldn't sail a dinghy on a millpond" Drake to take the credit.


Kilometre nibbler
As a boy the young Chris Rea would be taken to far-off Newcastle for his holidays. One of his favourite pass times was messing around with bits of driftwood and singing songs to himself about them. Local musician Alan Hull overheard Chris singing about a "Log on the Tyne", which inspired Hull to turn the ditty into a hit.


Legendary Member
February 1945 was the chosen destination wrong for WWII buff and time machine owner, Chris Rea.

Sadly the backfiring flux capacitor belched out radioactive flame of such intensity that the entire city of Dresden was destroyed.

Forth stely the ever vain Arthur Harris of bomber command was happy to take credit.
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West Yorks
With Chris Rea's love of cycling, he decided to go back in time to see some iconic editions of the Ronde Van Vlaanderen, however disaster struck when he inputted the incorrect date for first ever edition, held on 25th May 1913, he accidentally put in the date 19th July 1915, as he appeared over the German trenches at Hooge, his Time Machines flux capacitor gave off it's most impressive back fire to date, the terrified Germans were blown to smithereens, and it left a massive crater that measured 6 meters deep and 40 meters wide, which is still visible today ,109 years later, the 175th Mining Company of the British Army were happy to say their huge mine had caused the explosion.
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West Yorks
Chris Rea’s Time Machine was also responsible for appearing over Flixborough on 1st June, 1974, where another backfire caused a chemical plant to explode which led to fires raging on site for 10 days and for damaging properties as far away as Scunthorpe, and was heard as far away as Hull, Grimsby and Saltfleet, the site’s maintenance team were blamed as Chris cleared off hastily, to the current time.


Legendary Member
Just yesterday, Chris Rea's time machine materialised above the canal at Walsall and the radioactive exhaust combined with the water pollution to create cyanide.
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