Triban 3 Owners Club

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... headache after coming off my mtb at the weekend, now got black forehead & black eye :B) and no helmet...:whistle:

Rewinding a bit - get well soon SNSSO ! :smile:
Can I ask if anyone is running 25C tyres with mudguards too on their T3?
yes - but it is a very close run thing and to be honest not the best solution. once these tyres fail I will drop back to 23c tyres - clearances will be better and I won't have to remove quiet so much mud from between the mudgaurd and the tyre so often - they catch and make nasty noises and at time actually slow me down as well... when it has built up enough to prevent the wheel from spinning freely and this is nothing to do with not clenaing the bike often enough - it can happen in the space of 1/2 mile down my road from totally clean to not spinnign freely. also messes up the brake blocks badly leaving them looking like blocks of mud.
Snsso that must have been some whack!
have found one or two parts of the body that are not bruised. left arm - how is anyones guess because I landed on that side, and my feet. everyting else has something (left ribs hurt..., eye, head, right thumb (!) left hip & thigh , inside right knee & calf... and this is the state of the helmet I am sending back to spesh - that is the front by the way... I just took the visor off to make it more obvious. has been a while since I last killed a cycle helmet...
IMG_5462_800.JPG IMG_5463_800.JPG IMG_5465_800.JPG IMG_5464_800.JPG

Billy Adam

Senior Member
have found one or two parts of the body that are not bruised. left arm - how is anyones guess because I landed on that side, and my feet. everyting else has something (left ribs hurt..., eye, head, right thumb (!) left hip & thigh , inside right knee & calf... and this is the state of the helmet I am sending back to spesh - that is the front by the way... I just took the visor off to make it more obvious. has been a while since I last killed a cycle helmet...
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Good job you were wearing it. Nasty.
Get well soon.


Jeez! That doesn't look good at all.
What the heck happened to damage your lid so badly.

Wishing you a speedy recovery, get well soon. :rose:
Jeez! That doesn't look good at all.
What the heck happened to damage your lid so badly.

Wishing you a speedy recovery, get well soon. :rose:
what happened is anyones guess. I did the 2ft jump on a sloping decent fine - where I landed was about 1 foot lower than the bottom of the jump, so a 3 ft jump in total. I seem to have failed to stop correctly from what I recall. I know I nailed the landing fine. I think I may have 'over done' the braking and was left with 3 options. 1 drop the bike to the left uphill, 2 drop the bike to the right down hill, 3 over the bars. never been over the bars, never intend to, dropping the bike and me downhill seemed easier than uphill but not as sensible. the fall did not actually hurt (ironically it was in a grass field so I have no idea how my helmet broke quite so badly) and I have yet to really work out what happened to the helmet - current reply is that my bike and I had a difference of opinion as to how many pieces my helmet should be in.

I suspect the brusing is only going to get better (as in more colour) - may consider not going to pilates on Wednesday - think I have enough aches as it is!
24hrs usually takes me 2-3 days to bruise completely and they will be there for around 2 weeks! haven't told my mother yet - my step father comes out of hopistal today from a total hip replacement and I doubt she needs the worry!

my helmet is now on its way home to spesh... but given that my only transport is cycling, my options are limited - don't leave the house or take it very careful out on the roads - brightside is that motorists think cyclists without helmets are mad, so will give me even more room than normal...


Legendary Member
yes - but it is a very close run thing and to be honest not the best solution. once these tyres fail I will drop back to 23c tyres - clearances will be better and I won't have to remove quiet so much mud from between the mudgaurd and the tyre so often - they catch and make nasty noises and at time actually slow me down as well... when it has built up enough to prevent the wheel from spinning freely and this is nothing to do with not clenaing the bike often enough - it can happen in the space of 1/2 mile down my road from totally clean to not spinnign freely. also messes up the brake blocks badly leaving them looking like blocks of mud.

What do you make of this 'mudguard' setup, perhaps with 25C?

I had the front one originally. It worked well at keeping crap off me, but the chain still saw a lot of issues and it failed to keep anything off the chain at all unlike my current one and the clasps failed - they are rubber. I sent it back under warranty and had a full refund. I think it lasted 8 weeks before it failed completely. my OH has the Decathlon front one as well and its rubber attachments have lasted 6 months. If they last much longer it will be a miracle.
the rear one will also not work particularly well - great for keeping you clean not the person behind you so if you are thinking about a club/ or races it is not going to be acceptable from that point of view.


Baldy Go
Hi SNSSO.........

I've bin reading your world cycle blogs etc.....

You are a bit of a hero in my book!! Get well soon...............I KNOW you've seen worse?

Very Best

Hi SNSSO.........

I've bin reading your world cycle blogs etc.....

You are a bit of a hero in my book!! Get well soon...............I KNOW you've seen worse?

Very Best

thank you. I got up and carried on cycling after a cup of (green) tea and an ice pack...
anyone can cycle the world - trust me. it was just a dream until I acted on it and proved it is surprisingly easy... dog bite is healing slowly but I have managed a 2 mile walk to the post office today to post my helmet back to specialized for a replacement one and walking that far even at Christmas would not have been possible.
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